Example sentences of "[subord] [conj] i [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Drawing in charcoal is more like painting where as I like to encourage precise , analytical draughtsmanship which is best executed in pencil . ’
2 Where as I said er working with timber .
3 So I said well you know , I ca n't just wind it up over the next six months , I said er what I wan na do I said is erm I got ta carry it on for that transit for that Orion till I finished anyway so it 's got ta go another year so I said well what I 'm feeling about doing I said is er just sort of keeping a finger in the pie I said , he said , if I 'd said tomorrow , if I had finished the whole the tomorrow I 've got ta buy a car I can buy it finance so I 'm gon na get no tax relief on the H P I get no depreciation no nothing like that I said so at least if I still self employed I can if I have the sort of two or three vehicles or whatever three , four , five vehicles but I said at least I can have some erm and I can then sort of they would be more utilised , where as I said at the moment we got more vehicles than we really need to keep full capacity so he said yeah , yeah fair enough then .
4 Erm however erm it it does sound as though it 's one of these policies where as I suspected and said earlier today that it really does n't have any effect on anything and it 's probably something that could be erm crossed out and nobody would even notice it had gone .
5 Where as I say , the railway is a very very important issue .
6 And that looked pretty funny like and it fell down a couple of days ago and maybe a pretty while afore that I du n no .
7 More than once I have seen a hapless opponent reaching down to scoop a front kick that never comes , and getting caught on the undefended side of the head !
8 Much later it struck me as odd that I experienced no superstitious fear or repugnance in the presence of a dead body , although I am so squeamish that more than once I have had to ask a neighbour to deal with a dead rabbit that one of the cats had brought in during the night .
9 I could see she was an unfit woman , and although I was resolved not to tell anyone now of my qualifications , except that I had been an ARP worker , I did try to be as helpful to her as I could .
10 Except that I had n't seen him since he lay on his camp-bed and watched me sleeping naked with his beloved wife , the woman I 'd always characterized to him as ‘ sister ’ .
11 Of course … except that I had n't noticed this .
12 Except that I had in some way to justify myself .
13 He had such a talent for self-dramatisation that I would n't have put it past him , on finding that plunger , to have invented the whole thing — except that I had watched in horror as he deliberately forced the wretched mestizo over the edge , thrusting at his face with that dummy hand until he had disappeared into the gorge below .
14 Except that I had to live with the aftermath .
15 Except that I had no idea what I was being punished for . ’
16 Except that I heard you threaten to . ’
17 I would be tempted to suggest that the Thames Valley CID read too many detective stories , except that I doubt whether they read at all .
18 This is as faithful a reproduction as I have seen , except that I remember the ghosts being eatable for a lot longer than they are here .
19 Except that I hope to God they let Sam go . ’
20 For half a second you might have thought his fist had smashed me across the room , except that I follow through my dive into a roll and end up squatting on the floor , eight feet away , with the pistol pointing straight at his guts .
21 So it is bread on both rods , except that I make a paste for the free-line rod so that I am still offering a bait on a weightless rig .
22 Or ‘ I had a binge last night and I 've no excuse , except that I 've got a terrible hangover this morning and I 'll try again tomorrow . ’
23 Except that I discovered a new lure …
24 Except that I thought you 'd understand — and perhaps I did think that you had a right to know why I feel the way I do about … about anything permanent . ’
25 She thought , Now he 'll say what he was going to say last night , except that I made it hard for him , I was so unloving , so unresponsive .
26 Well , I did it alone , just with the help of Crossroads , and the district nurse in , in the mornings , five days a week and really that is all the help I had , except that I get domestic staff myself , and any help that I need , I have to pay for .
27 But it had all happened so quickly — and I knew so little about you — except that I 'd fallen in love with you . ’
28 Due to the publication schedule of ‘ Contact ’ I am actually writing this before the AGM , so I ca n't say anything more about it except that I intend to resign at it , due to the fact that I expect to be leaving the London area , so this will be the last time you will hear about London Branch from me .
29 I could not say how very , very much I am going to miss my dearest — except that I know she will understand .
30 I ca n't realy add much to what has already been said except that I saw the goals on Manc of the day and thought theirs were all sloppy and avoidable .
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