Example sentences of "[subord] [pron] [verb] about " in BNC.

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1 So I took myself off to my billet , feeling bloody frustrated and edgy , might I add , and thence to bed , where I thought about it .
2 Where I talk about sites specific is to get down to this nitty gritty about which comes first , the erm inquiry or the erm planning consent .
3 Give me your parole until I return , and you shall be free to go where you choose about Parfois , and free to use this tracing-house .
4 Where we talk about plants plants and more plants .
5 The Germans , where they thought about it at all , regarded Poles of all varieties as uncivilised upstarts whom they loathed for their backwardness , presumption and ambition , and this was a judgement that many East Prussian Poles accepted .
6 Others have been half-trained on slippery floors , where they worry about keeping their feet , yet are yelled at for failing to respond quickly enough to commands .
7 Every year , pupils in year 10 have the opportunity to undertake work experience — a period of two weeks in a chosen environment where they learn about real work and the responsibilities that go with it .
8 We believe that people are at their best as members of communities , where they care about each other and for those less fortunate than themselves .
9 After service they strolled down to the waterside , where they talked about stockings and the weaving of plaid ; ‘ What particular parts of commerce are chiefly exercised by the merchants of Aberdeen , I have not inquired , ’ wrote Johnson .
10 He had been accused early on in the play by Agydeus that he was too barbaric to offer Zenocrate any amorous discourse , yet he manages to produce a lovely speech for her where he talks about he stunning beauty and his love for her : ‘ Zenocrate , the loveliest maid alive … whose eyes are brighter than the lamps of heaven … that with thy looks canst clear the darkened sky ’ .
11 Two months after the Herling piece was published Levi committed suicide , throwing himself down the staircase of the house in Turin where he was born and grew up , where he wrote about his life in the camp at a desk which stood where his cradle had stood , a house he shared with his wife and mother .
12 In reply to BS Berlyn 's letter in the December issue of Credit Management where he complain about a creditor 's inability to enforce judgment against its debtor when a winding-up petition has been presented against that debtor , I can only say that he is ignoring one of the fundamental concepts of English insolvency law , that all creditors should be treated equally when their debtor becomes insolvent .
13 A CSCE mission was nevertheless permitted to visit Nagorny Karabakh on Feb. 12 , and on Feb. 17 Hassan Hasanov , the Azerbaijani Prime Minister , arrived in Brussels to attend a session of the European Parliament and a meeting of NATO 's Political Council , where he spoke about the background to the conflict .
14 ‘ There 's no-one in the world that thinks more than I do about every goddam f—ing thing that happens with us . ’
15 But with all the equipment at GCHQ the Government must have known a lot more than I did about the horrors .
16 I was wanted in Formula 1 , then I was n't , so I went about my own business , creating my own new future , then all of a sudden I 'm wanted again .
17 I was not prepared to travel 140 miles to and from work each day , nor to live away from home on a long term basis , so I inquired about part time training .
18 Okay , so I lied about the cuddly toy and the microwave , but I bet if ART could have got them into the Multiverb 's 1U , 19″ rack format they would have .
19 But I was grateful for her interest , so I explained about our Council 's scheme : the converted houses where the old ladies and gentlemen live , each with their separate apartments , their own furniture , but a common dining-room .
20 Once I knew about the other woman , I realised we 'd been drifting apart and that , at weekends , I 'd felt quite distant .
21 She made no effort to turn over , although she thought about it , imagined how it might be to lean on one elbow , to twist her body in a single movement .
22 She knew only marginally more about him than she did about Bella .
23 I know little more than you do about what we 're doing . ’
24 So you know about it already ? ’
25 " So you know about it ! "
26 ‘ Ah , so you know about that ? ’
27 ‘ When you are at boarding school you are desperately lonely so you fantasise about what a relationship will be like , ’ says Piers Partridge .
28 ‘ With your average white guitar band , they go on the road , they get pissed , they f— anything that wears a skirt and that appears interesting , so you write about it .
29 What you see are the headphones so you think about hearing
30 We have a big promotion of leisure wear by top French designers ; it 's a chance of a lifetime for any model and one Dana could n't miss once she knew about it . ’
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