Example sentences of "[subord] [art] years go " in BNC.

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1 As the years go by , Ursula 's body becomes a bore , and she experiences a fear of ageing : ‘ I shall have to die fairly young , because I wo n't be able to live with the infirmities of old age . ’
2 It may seem pessimistic , even morbid , to think about a child , parents , a partner or ourselves becoming more and more dependent as the years go by .
3 For most people this introduction took place in early childhood , and the failure is made manifest by the steady disillusionment which , all too often as the years go by and adulthood brings the inevitable struggle of innate common sense to prevail , leaves them either cynical and faithless , or constrained to join some form of sectarian cult .
4 For some I know this is simply not enough , but as the years go by I find that Chopin 's ultra-refined eloquence of utterance responds more readily to an unforced , more integrated style than the ferocious changeability that has been the very kernel of Chopin playing for the last twenty or thirty years .
5 And then , of course , it becomes less important as the years go by — that 's one of the compensations of getting older .
6 It should be remembered , however , that all old people tend to become a little more self-centred as the years go by .
7 But I 've been getting faster as the years go by .
8 ‘ The Seven Great Areas of Women ’ are all accounted for here and , of course , as the years go by the number seems to increase !
9 The problems start as the years go by .
10 We can only assure you that , as the years go by , you 'll be more and more delighted you took it up .
11 But of course I think about him in a much different way as the years go by , and now I always smile when I think of him , because he made me laugh .
12 As the years go on he is gradually charting his universe , plotting each constellation and learning the names of every major star .
13 One of the beefs I have about accommodation for elderly people is the fact that by , that the purpose built , very excellent , bungalows and flats for elderly citizens are restricted to one bedroom which , to which but is by government decree to keep the cost down , but it does seem to me to be very heartless because elderly people 's children are unable to come and stay with them except to the great deal of discomfort and perhaps as society grows a little more considerate for the fact that the percentage of elderly people will get even greater as the years go on , then they should make allowance and provide them for the facilities to enable them to be visited by their children and grandchildren .
14 Many children develop allergies in the first few weeks or months of life , and often these improve as the years go by .
15 They 'll they 'll weld , they 'll weld together Robert and that 'll stiffen , stiffen and stiffen as the years go on .
16 From the cheetahs ' point of view the mean annual temperature does not get systematically better or worse as the years go by , except in so far as any change for a well-adapted animal is a change for the worse .
17 The BBC 's current panic is that there is potential Government pressure against licences increasing as the years go by in an age of free market competition .
18 So of course I go as the years go
19 Erm that in fact one of the odd points here is that when a person is convicted , that information is public , but nevertheless as the years go by and indeed er this has been recognized in for instance the rehabilitation of offenders act , it becomes private information and if someone 's looking for a job the fact that he was convicted of an offence many years ago should not be er er relevant .
20 And as the years go by and the father retires the son comes on to the boat , so it is really a very family thing , the lifeboat service .
21 But yes , the trend is the same as the national one , there is an increase in arson , possibly that 's also influenced by the fact that we 're better at detecting arson and we 're becoming increasingly more so as the years go by , and calls that would have been recorded as unknown in the past , would now be recorded as this .
22 An achievement that means more as the years go by .
23 It is also considered unlucky to pay the whole of a doctor 's bill , a superstition which may prove important as the years go by , considering what some people say is happening to the NHS .
24 HRT is also of benefit for the intermediate symptoms of the menopause , those that do not appear until some time after periods have stopped but which tend to get more noticeable and troublesome as the years go by .
25 So as the years go past
26 As the years go past I mean if the wages go up as they have done , you know , regularly your mortgage is gon na gon na gon na be smaller .
27 The real essence of ‘ Thatcherism ’ , indeed , lay not so much in its ideas , which proved to be increasingly malleable as the years went by , and especially when Nigel Lawson took over the Treasury in 1984 .
28 As the years went by , and some of his friends became prolific writers , Dyson came to be jealous of their reputations and to scorn what they wrote .
29 That is pretty high praise ; and though there are some obvious exceptions , they were fewer as the years went by .
30 This was , of course , a faction among Catholics , and one that dangerously found itself outnumbered and outmoded as the years went on .
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