Example sentences of "[subord] [adv] [noun] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 These tended to suggest that Iran was a magical , fairy-tale and where only justice prevailed and where progress was assured by an omniscient king .
2 Where only crabs listen .
3 Where once men had a work place and a home .
4 The muffled men with the lanterns lighted their way into the house up a vast perron , where once guests had sat in the sun before luncheon , and on into the hall , music belching into its emptiness .
5 It belonged to a room on the first floor , where possibly Elizabeth had her own sitting-room .
6 Inside , this conventional English home is a testament to modern living , where even clothes become part of the scheme .
7 He has been established as a prose-character in the first scene at Achilles ' tent ( Troilus and Cressida , II.i. ) , where even Agamemnon addressed him in prose , by the law of adaptation to the lower centre of gravity .
8 The true facts of the matter have been clouded by many cases where the exact nature of the staccato did not greatly matter and where consequently Mozart made no deliberate effort to distinguish the two types .
9 These are the more controversial matters where sometimes people have conflicting views or there are dilemmas and contradictions for people .
10 Where previously Tony had struggled to accept even basic school discipline , he was able to survive St Augustine 's with only the occasional small-scale disagreements with a minority of staff .
11 Where previously REM have relied on their unique four-way telepathy to create their masterworks , ‘ Out Of Time ’ welcomes a string quartet into the picture and there are outstanding contributions from rapper KRS-1 and Kate Pierson of The B-52s .
12 The Fates that are so careful to shut the doors of each successive life behind us had , in this case , been neglectful , and Charlie was looking , though that he did not know , where never man had been permitted to look with full knowledge since Time began .
13 It should be noted that the study just described did not focus especially on schizophrenia , the kinds of mental illness observed in the individuals surveyed covering a number of diagnostic categories , albeit mostly ones related in one or another to psychosis and probably reflecting a similar underlying disposition .
14 Other people 's systems will be integrated , although only AT&T holding NCR Corp is currently involved , with a plan to provide similar support in its Unix-based StarGroup software line with applications complimentary to NetWare .
15 Although only fragments remain , Dunseverick manages not to be outdone in the legend stakes ; Conal Caernach who lived here is said to have witnessed the crucifixion of Christ while serving in the Roman army .
16 The Dukes halted the full scale destruction of the Forest , although only fragments remain today .
17 Sir , Apart from the illogicality ( with all due respect to Brough Girling , 8th January ) of Jennings , Tin Tin or Milly Molly Mandy , actually growing up , can one imagine anything more unlikely than Just William becoming anything as prattish as a Tory minister or an estate agent ?
18 He said : ‘ A key point was the fact that other people are saying that GA Life is good at administration , rather than just GA saying it . ’
19 When quoting fees , which increasingly will be more than just time based , the requirement for them to be paid at the completion meeting , like other advisers and financiers , should be stipulated .
20 Chapel services were , or should be , more than just opportunities to hear a sermon : when Major J. B. Pond , the American entrepreneur who arranged lecture tours for British writers visiting America , came to London in 1879 , he visited Spurgeon 's Metropolitan Tabernacle .
21 More often than not Ma starts me off only to leave me stranded above the waterdragon with my–backside wedged into the Young Person 's Patent Toilet Seat Adaptor ( another trophy won from the WI jumble by Pa ) .
22 Morton went everywhere , boldly going where no man , except possibly George Borrow , had gone before , and visiting more locations in his tiny motor car than will ever be found in the recorded voyages of the Star Ship Enterprise .
23 More than once Lina arranged the time and place of an interview , booked the plane , agreed the meals , models , set stylists and hairdressers only to find the whole thing suddenly cancelled .
24 More than once Miller emphasised that roses , being natives of northern countries or from the cold mountains of warmer ones , relish their freedom .
25 Claudia hardly saw Dana ; she left in the morning before her twin left her room , though more than once Claudia heard her moving about and she knew Dana was deliberately waiting until she left the flat before appearing to drink the coffee left ready for her .
26 More confused than ever Mungo had picked up The Forest and the Fire , turning to page 119 .
27 With British women travelling more than ever Clairol have developed a new range of mobile curling appliances .
28 But reserve is not the same as contestation , and people linked by descent were bound by their opposition to others , had a solidarity based on common ownership and defence , which seemed stronger than day-today resentments arising from a father 's control of his sons .
29 It seemed that people were often worse than even Jane thought they could be .
30 More successful , indeed , than even contemporaries realised because of inaccuracies in the official statistics which were available .
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