Example sentences of "[subord] [pron] still [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The Grant Hall Hotel was next door to Zion United Church where I still spent many weekday evenings in boys ' work , and it was now handy to finish at the church and then cross over to the radio station for the late night shift .
2 ‘ There was a little bit from IRS where I still had connections .
3 ‘ Even if you take the example of the Western , and key Western icons like Clint Eastwood , ’ Wood says , ‘ you can see the films responding to social attitudes in the movement from the early spaghetti westerns to last year 's Unforgiven , where you still have the recognisable Clint Eastwood character , but he 's much more complex , more uncertain about things — about killing , about his motives , the whole notion of what constitutes a hero . ’
4 The church was deconsecrated in the early nineteenth-century and converted into a warehouse , at which time its art treasures were moved out to the Brera where they still remain , despite the church having been reconsecrated in the twentieth-century .
5 Reinforce those opinions and attitudes already held where they still reflect what the company wants them to be , and thus protect the status quo .
6 Left again , after the brewery ( where they still have the Porter Tun Rooms , a tun being a big barrel not a weight , though not many people know that ) is Whitecross Street and the Barbican entrance , where many tourists go in and some actually find the theatre or gallery they 're supposed to be going to .
7 They moved into No 2 Newbridge Hill the same year , where they still live today .
8 Blatant sexist readings are on the decline , and where they still exist they have little effect because of the successful appropriation by women of their own discourse .
9 Where they still exist , it is important that they are not undermined ; but where they have withered away , we need to look to new models which take account of the changing patterns and forces in modern society .
10 He plans to complete extensions to their £400,000 home at Denham , Bucks , where he still lives with children Matthew , 12 , and Lauren , 10 .
11 It was unbelievable , yet there it was , clearly printed : ‘ The author , aged nineteen , was born in Tollemarche , Alberta , where he still resides … . ’
12 Her hand throbbed beneath his where he still trapped it on the table .
13 Then it was back to hospital where he still faces months of physiotherapy and speech therapy .
14 He has had a passion for buses and coaches ever since childhood when his father took him to the Darlington bus depot where he still works as a driver .
15 Did it come down in remote forest land where it still lay , gradually decaying ?
16 But instead of looking at her , he was staring down at her hand where it still lay on his arm .
17 Nor is Zurich neglecting its home base , where it still earns nearly a quarter of its premiums and does nearly half of its life insurance business .
18 Nonetheless , the right of journalists and broadcasters to demand trial by jury , in those areas of criminal law where it still exists , is an important security against interference with media freedoms — for reasons explained in 1885 by Dicey , the leading writer on our unwritten constitution : " Freedom of discussion is , then , in England little else than the right to write or say anything which a jury , consisting of 12 shopkeepers , think it expedient should be said or written …
19 The business was set up in one upstairs room in premises on High Row and moved to Priestgate in the early 1900s where it still practises , on a much larger scale , with a staff of more than 50 .
20 They were still talking when I continued on my way back to my roomette where I sat in comfortable privacy for a while reading the timetable and also reflecting that although I still had no answers to the old questions , I now had a whole crop of new ones , the most urgent being whether or not Filmer had already known the Youngs were friends of Ezra Gideon .
21 It should be clear from the previous chapters that although I still had some sense of personal identity when I became anorexic , I simply did not have the opportunity or know-how to form an Eriksonian ego identity .
22 I 've now come to realise that physically Will is no longer around , although I still like to think that I can feel his presence in other ways
23 Well , most obviously I have learnt that what is good for me can not necessarily be applied to everyone , although I still tend to dish out unsolicited advice .
24 Although I still suffer from headaches , it takes a lot more physical and mental stress before it manifests .
25 Gradually these dreams came less often until they stopped altogether , although I still do n't know why I had them in the first place .
26 This loss of control is frightening and therapy has helped me to acknowledge its existence , although I still do n't know why it happens .
27 I said , although I still do n't understand what that proverb means .
28 Although I still held my card of the Transport and General Workers .
29 ‘ Their talent has matured and , although I still love the early stuff , everything since has got better and better .
30 Although I still love my husband , we have n't been happy since my son was born .
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