Example sentences of "[subord] [pron] would a " in BNC.

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1 I do n't really see that there 's such a dividing line , because I think if you 're a housewife and you have a beautiful milk jug , which is perhaps very simple but has lovely lines to it , I think even if it 's only subconsciously you get more pleasure out of using that than you would a rather cracked , grubby , plastic jug .
2 I feel that in some senses it becomes almost about a certain strain of purity — that we would rather have a demonstration of 50 people on maybe a fuller , total political programme , than we would a demonstration of 50,000 people on maybe more limited aims but nevertheless political aims that we do feel carry us forward , but which could draw into activity a broader range of people .
3 Do you think women feel that they can approach you more easily than they would a male director ?
4 And he loved a horse better than he would a Rolls Royce !
5 That David 's strange behaviour had something to do with Jennifer she had little doubt , so whatever would a meeting between them bring forth ?
6 It is impossible to express the Hopes , the Fears , the various Conjectures , and Reveries , that your humble Servant must undergo this important Season , I am like the unhappy Gentleman mentioned in the Guardian ; and can scarce endure the bare Pronunciation of the Letter S : The hissing of the Tea-kettle distracts me ; and if I meet a Goose , I shun him as I would a Lion , or a Crocodile .
7 Sir Peter Walters , a former chairman of BP who now heads Midland Bank and Blue Circle , kept a row of management books behind his desk in Britannic House , but says he read them ‘ primarily for entertainment , rather as I would a novel ’ .
8 I would suggest if anybody has this problem , they drill the heads off as you would a rivet , punch the nail in a little and fill in then with the appropriate filler .
9 You come to see me as you would a man upon his death-bed .
10 You just load it as you would a program , stick it on your power drive and that 's it — full video capability . ’
11 Making expressive music with the aid of such devices is easy : just switch the quantisation off and treat the sequencer exactly as you would a multi-track tape recorder .
12 What this means is simply that each time you line up a shot in the viewfinder and before you press the button , you should look on it not as an individual shot as you would a still photograph hut as one of a group of shots .
13 The need for this editing by copying , which requires the use of a second video machine , of course , is brought about because it is not possible to edit video tapes by physically cutting and rejoining them as you would a cine film or sound tape .
14 Basically , you hold this as you would a short leash , wrapped around your bottom two fingers and tied to your glove , so that you can easily pay it out as you increase the flight distance .
15 First nominate your target and turn the gun to face it as you would a cannon .
16 You need to replace the brush heads as often as you would a conventional toothbrush .
17 7 Remember to replace your brush roughly every three months , as you would a manual toothbrush .
18 So always treat those in exactly the same way as you would a normal roundabout , so that you 're coming up and always assuming that people should give way etcetera in the manner in which they should unless the roundabout directs otherwise .
19 He meant amputate , as you would a diseased limb .
20 The disc contains a text file reader to enable you to page through the authors text file using indexes , just as you would a book .
21 Head first mounting , as you would a wobbled bait , is obviously a better choice although if the wind is light the drift out may present the bait in an unnatural fashion .
22 Resolve the pistol attack exactly as you would an attack from another hand-to-hand weapon .
23 Gallagher struggled ; a man cuffed him across the mouth as one would a bucking horse .
24 He was not to be summoned at short notice or dropped in on , but was to be treated as one would a man whose time was as valuable as one 's own .
25 ‘ Oh , do n't be ridiculous , Giles , calm down , calm down , come and have a nice Perrier water , ’ said Liz , taking his other arm , and , with Kate , attempting to lead him away from the fracas , as one would a child in a playground from its tormentor ( for Giles 's antagonist Paul Hargreaves , pale faced , dark suited , silver-grey tied , was smiling calmly with a horrible amusement at this distressing scene ) : but the desperate Giles was beyond leading , and fell back heavily as he attempted to disengage himself from his two intercessors , crashing into a large fern and some pots of bulbs and sending earth and splashes of champagne over the carpet .
26 The easiest way to cross-hatch is to hold the pastel as one would a pencil and make quick diagonal strokes from left to right and then use the other colour in the opposite direction from right to left .
27 He tends to me as one would a convalescent child delirious with a terminal but ticklish illness ; he tends to the outermost hazards of my body ( he is so violent and so tender ) and back to a cave of foetal musk , molested by warmth .
28 Sitting down beside her , Michele pulled her on to his knee , cradling her as one would a child .
29 If the promise was not met , could the employee use the mail message as s/he would a postal mail letter to sue for breach of contract or to support other legal action ?
30 He said unions had to be ready to ‘ pressurise ’ any incoming administration headed by Mr Kinnock as hard as they would a Conservative Government .
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