Example sentences of "[subord] [pron] have seen " in BNC.

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1 This is illustrated by Pignataro v. Gilroy ( 1919 K.B. ) where we have seen that property passed to the buyer under section 18 , rule 5 .
2 I am grateful to my hon. Friend for his comments about the policies that we have been pursuing and economic prosperity in the Province , where we have seen advances in recent years .
3 Our second bureau is based on or around a traditional typesetting service where they have seen customers moving to in-house production using desktop publishing and want to continue to service the high quality end of the market .
4 Provided you have a fair left hand reach it 's possible to play this without a capo , although I have seen many people play it either with one at the 2nd fret , or without one by transposing the part down to E …
5 ‘ No , not Rhoda Brocklebank , although I have seen her , in fact she has helped .
6 This , as he writes about the brevity of human life , he is moved to exclaim , ‘ So I have seen a rose newly sprung from the clefts of its hood , and at first it was fair as the morning and full with the dew of heaven as a lamb 's fleece ’ , and he continues to describe its life until ‘ it bowed the head and broke its stalk and at night having lost some of its leaves , and all its beauty , it fell into the portion of weeds and outworn faces ’ .
7 More than once I have seen a hapless opponent reaching down to scoop a front kick that never comes , and getting caught on the undefended side of the head !
8 Even in disguise I knew her at once , for a truly sensual woman can not disguise herself from my perceptions once I have seen her . ’
9 Once you have seen Beckley you are captivated .
10 ‘ My dear , sweet love , once you have seen , the whole idea of religion can only be tawdry , pathetic and … wrong .
11 Once you have seen which publishers might be interested in your novel , you begin the long process of sending it to one after another .
12 Once you have seen them both there is no confusion .
13 3 Change these measurements into the units shown : unc One of the important advantages of the metric system is that measurement of length , weight , and volume , all depend upon the same principle , Once you have seen that the system is all based on tens and tenths , you should find it less difficult than other weights and measures .
14 Although we have seen ( in chapter 9 ) that this interference may be interpreted as a positive intermediate strategy by a second language learner , this still leaves open the question of how to utilise it .
15 Computer instructions generally operate on individual scalar variables , although we have seen how the use of index registers allows us to interpret these scalars as elements of vectors or stacks .
16 Although we have seen benefits in recent years , there is lots of mileage left in Magnus .
17 President Michael Ainslie noted ‘ a greater level of consignment activity than we have seen for some time .
18 No candidate in pursuit of local votes can ignore them , so we have seen both Mr Clinton and Mr Brown at Synagogues — Clinton promising a kosher kitchen in the White House , and lambasted for it — in Chinatown , in Spanish Harlem and most of all in Harlem and the Bronx .
19 Once we have seen it , can we get rid of this distortion quite easily ?
20 Neither of you can leave here until I have seen the photographs and the writing . ’
21 It could present some publishers with problems but a useful ordering tip is to hold back your order until you have seen several ranges .
22 Not until you have seen reason . ’
23 It helps if you have seen them in their own surroundings and get an impression of the sort of person they are .
24 If they do not seem to be doing too well , or if you have seen all you want to see , let the collected animals free again in the pond or other place from which you first took them .
25 I do n't know if you have seen the sort of thing ; you 'll find a list of all the counties of the United Kingdom , all the archbishops of Canterbury , the ten most expensive diamonds in the world , and similar trivial pieces of information .
26 Other nice expressions include an evil stare , ‘ schwing ! ’ ( if you have seen Wayne 's World ! ) and he 's always mopping his forehead .
27 If you have seen kitchens where the doors refuse to hang correctly , where shelves can not be adjusted or where drawers refuse to open the chances are it 's because ‘ savings ’ have been made and lower quality materials have been used .
28 If you have seen a mixture of iron and sulphur and the lumps of sulphur did n't have a shiny polished surfaces that belong to iron and you ca n't make a mirror out of non-metal .
29 We feel we can not comment on their allegations until we have seen it too , ’ Roy Batchelor , Rugby 's spokesman said .
30 I do not know how we can make that judgment until we have seen the texture of the decision that we are being asked to make .
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