Example sentences of "[subord] [pron] is about " in BNC.

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1 This is not a consideration which applies to other factors of production : there is far less concern about the proportion of a country 's capital stock which is lying idle than there is about the proportion of the labour force which is unemployed .
2 There is no more agreement about what is a good lecture than there is about good music .
3 However , there is even less agreement among linguists about how to apply semantics than there is about the use of syntax .
4 I think , you know , I think in answer to the embarrassment question , I think although it is about that erm , people are nay do , people wi on just are nay prepared to commit with information , I think , in areas there 's a wealth of information and experience
5 Cocom is more relaxed about Eastern Europe than it is about Russia .
6 Linguists not working within Labov 's general framework are often less careful than he is about candid recording .
7 ADAS advice is free , provided it is about something deemed to benefit the ‘ public good ’ .
8 ‘ There is this bias with critics that if it is about vampires it has to be junk — well it is absolutely not true ’
9 This really pisses her off : ‘ There is this bias that if it is about vampires it has to be junk — well it is absolutely not true . ’
10 Even if it IS about money , again a player should not have to leave Leeds if he does nt want to just to get a few bob extra .
11 You should tell your friends and relatives that they should not ‘ phone you at work unless it is about something important which can not wait .
12 The latter is an unusual work because it is about people who really lived at a particular period and who had particular relationships with each other .
13 ‘ The charter will potentially have a very large impact on small firms because it is about more regulation . ’
14 The history of pronunciation is one of those issues that do not primarily involve standardization , because it is about the history of speech in face-to-face interaction and because standardization has always had less effect on pronunciation than on other linguistic levels .
15 TRADE SHOWS as they are known , are a normal marketing exercise for most companies , but this is one with a difference because it is about trade itself , the business of manufacturing .
16 If the Chief those to also want to improve passenger comfort but let me say in spite of all this er th th th the customer still favour and that is why we will be supporting the Labour resolution because it is about the state of it is about yes to keep our eyes and sort of providing a whole range of integrated public transport that goes along in parallel with that same .
17 Of course this new policy is about cutting cost because it is about cutting corners in personal care .
18 And I hope that John Major and central office of the Conservative Party study it carefully since it is about party democracy and the Conservative party have a few lessons to learn in that direction .
19 One could say that it is a more specific interpretation of the original proposition since it is about a particular kind of running .
20 When Riddler says that the tea they drink is called that ‘ even if it 's made of privet … a sort of memory , ’ she is harsh and spiteful as she is about everything else instead of evincing any rue or regret .
21 There is something sexy about Sue Lawley in real life , much as there is about Mrs Thatcher .
22 There 's an easy way to avoid embarrassing questions about x ( just as there is about i ) .
23 But his new book is as comprehensively knowledgeable , caustically funny and subliminally alarming about western history and culture as it is about Iraq .
24 Fit a new timing belt drive as it is about due for one , set accurately and the problem will hopefully disappear .
25 Important as the academic qualifications are , university is as much about education in the wider sense of the term as it is about lectures , essays and exams .
26 The real issue , therefore , is not so much concerned with this or that IQ score and the chances of raising it as it is about the ingenuous , and often disingenuous , attempts to quantify the inheritance : learning ratio .
27 Witnessing is as much about showing people Christianity in the way we live as it is about explaining Christianity by the things that we say .
28 Building self-esteem is about appreciating strengths and developing them as much as it is about gaining an understanding of weaknesses .
29 ‘ This is as much about ergonomics as it is about fashion .
30 That apparent drawback means that each rotating show is as much about curatorial overview as it is about the objects themselves .
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