Example sentences of "[subord] [pron] could [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 The Chairman placed a large digital clock on the conference table where everyone could see it .
2 What I needed was something like a slightly battered Ford Transit van , and I knew exactly where I could borrow one .
3 And in another light-year or two I was through the word-barrier , and the book had suddenly reached the stage — the wonderful moment to get to — where I could walk right into my imaginary country and see things that I had not consciously created , and listen to people talking and watch them moving , all apparently independent of me .
4 So it was easy , I was bathing in a calm sea where I could swim freely ; you ca n't swim freely when you get tangled up in roots .
5 ‘ Any idea where I could lay my hands on an idiot 's guide to disputes ? ’ he asked .
6 I have often wondered if Levin made a 12-string guitar and if so , where I could lay my hands on one .
7 There were times when Joanna 's somewhat footslogging performance made me long for the thoroughbred feel of Lisa , but I had an affection for Joanna and she had one advantage over Lisa — her small cuddy where I could cook and sleep , and be independent of the land .
8 At that time I believed that the United Kingdom would be facing severe economic problems in the future , and I decided that I wanted to work somewhere where I could serve the community , and make a contribution to the resolution of those problems .
9 ‘ I wanted a sport where I could give my all , ’ he told ACCOUNTANCY .
10 I replied rather coldly that I had not drunk alcohol since 1939 , and that it had been my hope that we should stop somewhere where I could wash up generally , relieve myself and have a little rest .
11 I tried to find myself work ( such as washing dishes or mending clothes ) , where I could observe without being too noticeable .
12 After a while I became so deep in my cups I grew surly , said I felt unwell and trotted off to bed where I could nurse my hurt as well as conceal my bad manners .
13 I had gone , as the doctor had ordered , where I could feast my senses .
14 Here , where I could 've done better , if only I 'd understood , if only he 'd helped me ; if only this , if only that .
15 I did n't care if it was raw , if the pangs of birth were ugly ; I wanted to be somewhere I would n't be defined by what I 'd been , where I could fashion a new notion of myself and impose it on others as the truth .
16 It was my ex who got me fixed up with the job ; Dizzy owed him , and he owed me maintenance for Jed , and I wanted to get away from town and get involved in something where I could start to 69 respect myself again … everything kind of fitted into place .
17 It was a matter of discovering which day centres offered what services — where I could go , for example , to have a shower or clean my clothes , or maybe have a cheap meal .
18 It was n't like working here , where I could slip into Spanish when things got ropey , and afterwards we 'd all go to the bar and tone up the group dynamics over a few drinks .
19 Several times in the next few months I went up to the top floor again , where I could look out of the high windows in the roof to see the surrounding countryside and be alone with my thoughts .
20 I do n't suppose you 've any idea where I could find her ? ’
21 ‘ I wanted him where I could keep an eye on him , ’ said Mr Malik through his hands .
22 If you could find me a garret somewhere near you , where I could live for the next three months , I could finish it , and perhaps get it Published .
23 ‘ I took her to Anglesey , ’ says Christine , ‘ where we have a house , and where I could concentrate on her completely .
24 The navigator had survived with head injuries but the third crew member was O.K. I signalled to Athens asking them to designate the nearest airfield where I could pick up Brown and White in a Maryland .
25 The next year , 1965 , he had his choice of three F1 teams competing for his services and chose BRM : as he has said , he wanted to be in a team ‘ where they would n't rush me , a team where I would n't be battling for my place every time I took the grid , a team where I could learn from a man like Graham Hill ’ .
26 I decided to abandon my earlier plan of just walking around until dawn and instead to try and find somewhere where I could get some sleep .
27 We had another seventy miles till London and at least another fifteen until the next junction where I could get out .
28 Also , there was a pleasant inn about a quarter of a mile away where I could get a room if the tide — in the way of tides — served at some merciless hour of the early morning .
29 Can you let me have a phone number where I could get you this evening ? "
30 Anyway the second school favoured scarlet cross-overs , the lady in charge directing me to a local wool shop where I could buy the yarn and a ( hand knitting ) pattern .
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