Example sentences of "[subord] [pron] [vb past] to " in BNC.

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1 where I went to work down there and in a month they put , it was amongst a shop of about sixteen men and they all had separate orders and the men had got little lads working for them , you know .
2 To come somewhere like this would have been better , somewhere where I had to be in at a certain time , where I could n't have certain people come in .
3 I had to go below ground to an office where I spoke to a policeman .
4 My next call was to a local Somerset newspaper , where I spoke to a gentleman about the subject of the Chalice Well cover .
5 He took us to the Þingvellir National park where the clouds parted and the sun shone on square kilometres of snow that was so clean and pure it made me weep for all the time we had lost on the trip , and for the pleasure of being where I wanted to be .
6 A piece of land where I happened to be born .
7 Crawford went to two Christmas parties , where nobody spoke to him and he did n't like the food .
8 He found her where she clung to a rope that was curled up in a corner of the iron ship and picked her up and carried her through a secret tunnel down through the floor of the ship , down through the underwater creatures , deep into the earth beneath the swirling sea .
9 They came to a lurching pontoon , where she clung to him in excitement , her eyes enormous at the sight of four enormous man-sized earwigs calmly waiting for the ferryboat .
10 One step , and she could be in his arms , where she craved to be .
11 Rosa cast an eye at her mother 's frowning back where she attended to some task and tried to exchange a glance of impatience with Tommaso .
12 Keepers discovered her desperately fighting for life at the West Midlands Safari Park where she had to be hand-reared before being transferred to the Kingsley wildlife sanctuary , Cheshire , where she takes every opportunity to hitch a ride from the resident Bull Terrier bitch .
13 Anna went home via St Andrew 's Church , where she apologized to God and then thanked Him .
14 ‘ But Christabel 's out on the edge , in the wind and the rain , where she wanted to be .
15 She was here , where she wanted to be .
16 Where you got to ?
17 Simon has drafted and circulated a very clear guide of his proposals , Jenny has prepared and Elizabeth can circulate three redrafts of the proposals for discussion , and Rita and Stella are not quite sure where you got to in terms of redrafting your procedures .
18 I did not and could not touch you where you wanted to be touched .
19 You got here , are staying here where you wanted to be ! ’
20 We proceeded from the old bay at Caraven Arms used by the BC Railway and walked by road to the site of the old Strettford Bridge Junction , where we took to the old track bed as far as Glen Burrell Bridge , where we joined the road again , calling in on the Rev. Ray Arnold at Horderley , who was waiting with coffee and biscuits .
21 We also had a polyester business where we had to both change the technology and the products if we were to win .
22 But we do say that its object [ has ] been gained , and that after all the stir and excitement , the inconvenience … we are back where we wished to be , and with the miners ' case under negotiation .
23 But , that where we went to that pub that time with Geoff , that 's the first time I 've been up there .
24 Maybe we should have solved our problems more quickly ( of course in a perfect world everyone always should ) , but better by far to have gone on and on , testing , probing , questioning and changing , until we finally had a solution which worked and could take us where we wanted to be .
25 We also spent time in the capital , Guatemala City , where we talked to senior government officials like the defence minister , General Jose Garcia Samayoa .
26 They took us to the airport , where we flew to Peking via Hangchow .
27 We were then posted to 406 Sqn RCAF where we converted to Beaufighters .
28 This was achieved by utilising the sorting facilities of the database to focus the direction of the study on areas where there seemed to be potential for improvement .
29 If you charter from Corsica — where there seemed to be no real shortage — take as much extra as you can manage .
30 They describe some typical conversations in which comments from one person did not link in an expected way to preceding comments — where there seemed to be a very loose connection between what one person said and the next .
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