Example sentences of "[subord] [pron] [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It has the reputation of a Dutch Bonn , a provincial place of exile for civil servants , where nothing more exciting than Dutch politics ever happens .
2 A keen sportsman , he was one of the mainstays of St. Martin 's Cricket Club in the Salisbury and District League where his really fast bowling was feared by opponents .
3 Just as cockfighting allows a world where women are rendered invisible , so Geertz 's writing creates a text where his actually present wife is ignored as a non-person .
4 One of 11 children , he was born on a Mississippi farm where his deeply religious father disapproved of the blues .
5 White Stilton is a very young , immature Stilton and does not compare to the traditional blue variety , although I like it in salads and for cooking , where its slightly sharp flavour is penetrating .
6 This provides the reason why it was once extensively cultivated in the Aube , where its more southerly location and lack of limestone subsoil sometimes renders wines lacking the desirably high degree of acidity required for classic Champagnes .
7 Laugh she did , at any rate , and those convulsive movements succeeded where her more calculated efforts had failed .
8 Where there never many ghost stories speak about some of them but
9 He took small parts in ballets by Ashton ( a courtier at the ball in the premiere of Cinderella , one of the revellers in the cave scene of Apparitions ) and de Valois ( Checkmate , Don Quixote and Job ) , walked on as a pall-bearer in Helpmann 's Hamlet , and appeared in the classics , where his most prominent parts were a mazurka dancer in Swan Lake and a marquess in the hunting scene of The Sleeping Beauty .
10 For centuries , most religious traditions have debased sex — seeing it as dirty and sinful , or purely for procreation — and have advocated celibacy as a path towards God .
11 Did n't know why Summerchild should have gone to the Admiralty on the morning of June 24th , but his work was related to conditions of employment in the Civil Service and involved liaison with other departments , so nothing particularly surprising about it …
12 He did not loiter to catch her although his apparently wayward path could seem designed to cross hers every now and then .
13 Lhote , who had already established a certain independent reputation , mixed cautiously in Cubist circles , but from 1911 onwards was generally referred to as a Cubist , although his somewhat academic style often gained him exemption from the unfavourable criticism directed at the other painters .
14 When his physical charms began to fade ( although his innately aristocratic manners remained unimpaired ) Henreid turned to such forgettable swashbuckling epics as The Spanish Main ( 1945 ) , Thief of Damascus ( 1952 ) and The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse ( 1962 ) , as well as a number of television films .
15 Because I was less a true coward , a calculating coward , than someone so innocent , or so Greek , that he could not see what the war had to do with him .
16 Prince Yuan was a clever one , there was no doubting it , so perhaps he understood why the T'ang had appointed him to oversee the Project rather than someone more sympathetic .
17 Someone sensitive and caring might make a better leader or salesperson than someone more competitive .
18 Erm certainly , as a group we we welcome the fact that there is a provision for travellers in Harlow on the two permanent sites and we also welcome the upgrading er , of the to happen , although I very much hope it does n't .
19 On any other than his strongly classical face , they would have looked disturbingly effeminate .
20 Pickerage had gone straight to bed when he got back , and that day , Monday , had been something less than his dottily exuberant self .
21 Most of the passengers went off to don coats against what appeared to be a cold wind outside , but Filmer climbed down from the door of the dome-car end of the dining car without more protection than his carefully casual shirt and aristocratic tweed jacket .
22 Kerin , 53 , a trained economist , was reputed to be more flexible than his fiscally conservative predecessor , but he quickly sought to reassure the business sector that there would be no change in Treasury policy , stating that it was important to preserve " all the benefits of the hard decisions " taken over the past few years .
23 His books The Medieval Stage and The Elizabethan Stage remain classics of literary history , and in their range and period there are few better anthologies of verse than his Early English Lyrics and Oxford Book of Sixteenth Century Verse .
24 A greater nervous intensity would have been more convincing than his almost icy calm as the brutes try to break into his home — something Al Pacino , Dustin 's near double , might have achieved .
25 Worse than my most fantastic nightmares ?
26 Following the Oxford Dictionary , which is here a more lucid guide than my more abstruse colleagues , we can say that a symbol signifies something other than or complementary to itself ; it can therefore be used to represent , express , or image things which are external to it but to which it is linked in an appropriate fashion .
27 Whenever I see coloured people in Porteneil , buying souvenirs or stopping off for a snack , I hope that they will ask me something so that I can show how polite I am and prove that my reasoning is stronger than my more crass instincts , or training .
28 As he is an expert on such matters , the hon. Gentleman knows better than I that public prosecutions in Scotland are a matter for the Lord Advocate .
29 I originally gained the co-operated of the headmaster , who allowed me to come into the school , and then I found the teachers enormously co-operative in fact , far more co-operative than I really high a right to expect .
30 Although her much earlier work of semi-architectural constructions on a theatrical scale hinted at a different sort of audience participation , away from that of the story telling object , it has taken till now for her to challenge the viewer in an open way .
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