Example sentences of "[subord] [adj] [noun] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 The speed of playing equipment can vary considerably ; where possible use your own tape recorder but make sure you have enough volume without distortion .
2 The Orynthia lived on , despite it all — off to Honduras again in March , 1840 , where this time it was the cook who ended up in prison : William Rhodes took her out to Fernando Po , Ascension and India in 1841 , and William Cox was master again on a voyage to the Cape and Burma in 1843 , in which year he sold his half-share to Henry Johnson , a City merchant .
3 The proposal from the Commission for a coordinated Industrial Policy is therefore an attempt to move the EC towards a federal system , where all policies which affect the industrial base are subject to some kind of Community involvement .
4 The most likely development is that studios will imitate the music business and create separate divisions devoted to films for black audiences , where black producers who know their market best will determine what films are made .
5 His father , John Murphy , said he should have been taken to Durham Prison , where medical treatment which he said his son needed was available if necessary .
6 Paul gets deeply drunk at a New Year 's Eve party , where those friends who already have children get wheezily maudlin and dilate on the sheer cost of small kids versus the sheer joy of small kids ; while those who do n't have kids elbow him constantly , calling him a bit of a sharp-shooter , a devil , a sperm-bank , a prong , a peopler of nations and an irresponsible git .
7 After twenty months of fighting , where twenty times I should have died [ Raymond Jubert admitted ] I have not yet seen war as I imagined it .
8 Also the 45 minute Italianamerican where Marty interviews his ma and pa in their Little Italy apartment and tales of the old days abound .
9 The one on the right went only to sealed-off sections of corridor on each floor , where any interlopers who had managed to get that far would be fobbed off with further charades designed to conceal the true function of the building .
10 Television sets were rare and people watched in groups ; in the oases of the south it was customary to watch television out of doors in the cool of the summer evening , where any person who happened to pass by could sprawl on the sand .
11 At one point , the prospectus states : ‘ A Water Service Company may at any time require the Director General to determine whether , and if so how , K should be changed where other circumstances which would not have been avoided by prudent management action , have a substantial adverse effect on its water or sewerage business . ’
12 They were in the middle of the case , working in a building where bloodstained clothing had been found , and where two people whom the police had questioned about a missing boy had more than passing contact , yet they knew less than anyone .
13 The nightlife revolves around several self-contained centres , the biggest and best being the Kasbah where most nights you 'll find us hopping and bopping around Fantasy Island , a wonderful disco pub presided over by our friends Steve and Donato .
14 David battled for three minutes to restart his heart , then had him rushed to hospital where last night he was critically ill with burns and internal injuries .
15 Mr Morton was rushed to Middlesbrough General Hospital 's burns unit where last night he was said to be comfortable ’ .
16 In Blackbird Leys … where last year there were two or three displays a night … road calming measures and Police action has reduced them …
17 Conservatives who read right-wing papers saw more pro-Conservative bias in these papers than Labour identifiers who read the same set of right-wing papers .
18 None the less , Conservatives who read right-wing papers saw more pro-Conservative bias in these papers than Labour identifiers who read the same set of right-wing papers .
19 At the same time , Labour identifiers who read right-wing papers were 10 per cent less optimistic than Labour identifiers who did not ; while Conservatives who read right-wing papers were similarly less optimistic about Labour 's chances than Conservatives who did not read right-wing papers ( Table 7.13 ) .
20 By the end of the campaign , Labour identifiers who read a right-wing paper were 6 per cent more favourable to Thatcher and 6 per cent less favourable to Kinnock than Labour identifiers who did not .
21 For those who are interested in aspects other than private practice there is a wide variety of options .
22 yeah definitely , although that essay I did today I think is really good , it 's probably the best one I 've ever written the grammar 's good , I do n't know whether , I do n't think the content 's particularly thrilling , but the grammar 's good
23 The rebels were among more than 18,000 nomads who had returned since the beginning of the year from Algeria and Libya , having sought refuge in those countries during the drought of the mid-1980s .
24 Trees such as poplars , elms , limes and oaks account for much shrinkage in soil and should not be closer to the building than 1.5 times their own height .
25 Exploitation of the rich natural resources of the new world required far more labour power than European colonists themselves could provide .
26 ‘ Invitations went out on a geographical basis so each night we had a good cross section of staff like roadworkers , clerical assistants or estimators .
27 ‘ None of the electronic or automatic systems work , so each time you bowl , a man jumps down from a shelf behind the pins at the end of your lane , switches the light off , resets the pins , jumps back onto his shelf and switches the light back on ! ’ she said .
28 I thought I was ever so clever and I wanted everyone to hear me , so each time I spotted one of the neighbours near our house I would bang out the tune .
29 Insofar as good credit scoring systems weigh up an individual 's characteristics and background in a way which truly and accurately does reflect wide experience of similar characteristics and background , these systems can discriminate between good and bad risks more reliably than non-scoring systems which make a more partial and subjective stab at the same target .
30 Even after more than fifty years they have not been fully appreciated by many philosophers , and are still the subject of much controversy .
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