Example sentences of "[subord] [verb] the first " in BNC.

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1 There is no easy solution to this one , other than doing the first ones at a safe altitude , which means at some speed since it is difficult to fly slowly at any height or distance .
2 In that sense , Huxley suggested , evolution had no more to do with theism than had the first book of Euclid .
3 In the context of a general discussion of Nicholas I 's attitude towards non-Russians ( both inside and outside the empire ) , it is more important to note the sheer complexity of Caucasian affairs than to grade the first Viceroy 's performance .
4 Finally , to attach the pelmet to the board , either attach the firm side of the touch-and-close fastener to the top edge of the board with steel tacks , if using the first method above , or place a strong drawing pin through each pocket on the tape and into the top edge of the board , bending the returns round the ends of the board .
5 While seconding the first ascent of Solstice , eagle-eyed Mick Ryan spotted a slab of perfect limestone above the lip and climbed out .
6 He also ( at any rate while writing the first part of his book ) admired the young Charles , who consulted with his nobles and followed the good counsels of bishops .
7 They took a chair which belonged to the eighteenth century English poet , Alexander Pope who 'd lived there while writing the first English translation of Homer 's Iliad .
8 While celebrating the first occasion since the Spanish occupation of 1571 on which foreign troops had not been based in the Philippines , the country 's President , Fidel Ramos , expressed the hope that his country could develop " even stronger ties with the USA " following the withdrawal .
9 GEOFF Hornby had a close shave while making the first ascent of Peak 9070 on the south side of Mount Hunter in Alaska .
10 Whether while winning the first US Open title in 1968 as an amateur or out-thinking Jimmy Connors in that classic Wimbledon final of 1975 , Ashe proved himself one of the game 's most gifted competitors .
11 While welcoming the first signs of an upturn in UK demand , boss Bruce Cohen warns that any full-blooded recovery will have to wait until the housing market gets moving .
12 The company was undecided whether to adopt the First In First Out ( FIFO ) basis of stock valuation or the Last In First Out ( LIFO ) basis of stock valuation .
13 By a notice of appeal dated 12 December 1990 the plaintiffs appealed on the grounds , inter alia , ( 1 ) that the judge erred in law in holding that the first defendant was entitled to add to any security , all the costs charges and expenses , however unreasonable they were ; ( 2 ) the judge failed to follow the decision in In re Adelphi Hotel ( Brighton ) Ltd. [ 1953 ] 1 W.L.R. 955 ; ( 3 ) the judge erred in law in construing the charging covenants of the legal mortgage which were all in similar terms that all costs charges and expenses howsoever incurred by the first defendant or any receiver under or in relation to the mortgage or such indebtedness or liabilities on a full indemnity basis as allowing the first defendant to charge as it pleased however unreasonable such a charge might be ; and ( 4 ) the judge erred in law in not construing that provision as a provision providing for taxation or computation on an indemnity basis of the first defendant 's costs , charges and expenses .
14 Their contents will add to our knowledge of all aspects of small communities in the early modern period as well as enabling the first comprehensive study of a squire-dominated community in this period .
15 He says he was an army officer seconded to the site and it made a remarkable contribution to the war , as well as developing the first computer .
16 In this area of interest one normally looks at the classic work of Bartlett ( 1932 ) as providing the first base for the complex analysis of how people 's thought and language come together in their recall of complex materials .
17 It would be equally so to deny it , especially when considering the first recording on the tape .
18 When considering the first age of party politics in England , it makes sense to treat the years 1660 – 1715 as a coherent whole .
19 As regards the first of these , the most important statute was the Public Order Act 1936 .
20 As regards the first point , I have suggested that the ‘ tertiary sector ’ expansion has increased the heterogeneity of non-manual/industrial positions within the division of labour .
21 As regards the first set of causes one can point to the conservative/speculative behaviour of British financial institutions ( discussed in chapter 3 ) ; the failure to develop fully the advanced multi-divisional forms of capitalist enterprise ; the continuing low social valuation of ‘ industry ’ relative to the ‘ liberal professions ’ ; and the relative paucity of commercially-relevant research and development .
22 The receivers were then discharged , as regards the first five plaintiffs on 19 December 1986 , as regards to the sixth and seventh plaintiffs on 11 February 1987 .
23 As regards the first , it seems unlikely .
24 Some empirical evidence is available as regards the first of these ; the present research seeks to assess what role syntactic input plays .
25 This would not necessarily occur for the risk ratings since these may have been initially quite high because of the drivers ’ unfamiliarity with the car when giving the first ratings .
26 Northern coal miners observed a long Christmas break and from time to time proclaimed " gaudy days " on such occasions as hearing the first cuckoo .
27 So , when the 1971 British Lions stretched Fergie McCormick this way and that when winning the First Test on Mains ' home ground , the All Black selectors decided that McCormick had to go , and Mains went on to play the remaining three Tests of the first rubber that the Lions had won in New Zealand .
28 John Bums , President of the Local Government Board , when introducing the first legislation with ‘ town planning ’ in its title in 1909 declared : These objectives may seem happily optimistic when contrasted with subsequent achievements , but they serve to remind us of the tension that always exists in town planning between the engineers and the sociologists ( Goldsmith 1980:Ch. 7 ) .
29 Periodical payments of maintenance escape the statutory charge as does the first £2,500 of any money or property preserved or recovered ( Civil Legal Aid ( General ) Regulations 1989 , reg 94 ) .
30 Instead he applied , as had the first Court of Appeal , a combination of the laws of the requesting and requested countries .
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