Example sentences of "[subord] [verb] to [be] " in BNC.

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1 Apart from whether or not these exercises are effective ( they are certainly found to be enjoyable and relaxing by many pupils ) , they have given the teacher a secure base from which to work , for the teacher can be very much in charge , dictating the choice of exercise , controlling the length of time for each , selecting the background music where felt to be appropriate or even dictating the moment-to-moment activity within the experience .
2 Our results would support this viewpoint as men where found to be more lateralised than women and they have poorer language ability , but superior visual ability .
3 The next step was to turn the feasibility study into a detailed business plan which would be presented in a share prospectus aimed at attracting the target £6.5 million now estimated to be needed to launch a paper selling between 800,000 and 1.1 million copies .
4 Portuguese , although appearing to be similar to Spanish on paper , is pronounced completely differently , and so despite the fact that we could communicate in French and Spanish , we could not make ourselves understood in Portuguese other than to ask , ‘ Fala ingles ? — do you speak English ? ’
5 Although appearing to be clinging precariously to life , once introduced to the pool they quickly produce roots and become established .
6 Although confessing to being ‘ a bit surprised ’ , she told ACCOUNTANCY : ‘ I worked quite hard for the month before but in the end , it 's a question of learning the stuff , and making sure you remember it when you get in there . ’
7 ‘ There 's nothing more depressing than pretending to be jolly in a prison camp . ’
8 The result is , however , that the termination of the war , and the construction of the peace , will also involve much wider considerations than seemed to be implied by the UN resolutions .
9 more than seemed to be indicated in the figures that we 've got , because Buck 's figures for the extent of supplementary income are I know they 're significant but they 're not enough to the kinds of levels people had been living at .
10 Naturally a lot of people are scared witless of getting on Microsoft 's blacklist and will only cooperate under subpoena rather than appear to be volunteering information .
11 Much anxiety may be avoided for your elderly parents if you can organise yourself and other members of the family to help them regularly with the jobs they can not cope with — anticipating their needs rather than waiting to be asked .
12 When compared to their peers who fail to pass the entrance examinations , they have the prospect of a better life : four or more years at university ( rather than waiting to be assigned to low-skilled , often low-paid work ) and the likelihood on graduation of a secure post in the state bureaucracy .
13 Archbishop Romero , although thought to be a moderate when he took up the Archbishopric , proved himself to be a zealous proponent of Liberation Theology , broadcasting his masses , which included political messages , to the people throughout the country , by radio .
14 Macbeth , although shown to be very brave and soldier-like , is also very foolish .
15 Community Care Grants are to enable people to establish or maintain themselves in the community rather than having to be in hospitals , nursing homes and residential care homes etc .
16 The information is all contained in the columns of figures , but the knitting instructions appear on your console , or Form Computer display , rather than having to be written out in the printed pattern .
17 This means that rather than having to be deliberately cut down and low on features for fear of competing with its big brother , it can try its best .
18 The reason why there are fewer disconnections is that the electricity companies have introduced card meters , so that people cut themselves off rather than having to be cut off by the electricity companies .
19 The young James bore up bravely , although having to be carried about his flagship wrapped in blankets .
20 In supporting this document I believe that we have to look realistically to the future and recognize that one general union would benefit trade union members in the U K far better than continuing to be in competition .
21 Unfortunately , as we have seen , such an approach suggests a more complete , less messy and more fundamental change at the time of her study than seems to be justified by the continuing history of the 1970s .
22 Because of this , and because of its greater length , it would be more obtrusive in the context than Katherine Mansfield 's sentence , and would attach greater importance to the door-shutting than seems to be required .
23 The Times of 16 June was nearer the mark when it said ‘ … comments have gone farther in the direction of pessimism than appears to be justified ’ and reminded readers that ‘ the objects of the ZETA experiments were to produce and maintain high temperatures and to study the conditions in which these temperatures are produced as an aid to later stages in design . ’
24 It is in the interests of this country , therefore , to stand firmer now on foreign policy than appears to be the Government 's position .
25 There was more than comfort to be found in the house at Ladbroke Grove ; there was employment .
26 The hope that at least the disappearance of the Party might be one thing to emerge from a lost war was said in one report to be more widespread in rural areas than appeared to be so on the surface .
27 The president of Lind 's society confessed as much to Thomas Brassey : " We are the very antipodes of trade unions , although forced to be enrolled under the Trade Union Act .
28 There are minor infelicities and inconsistencies in typography which are irritating , and although purporting to be revised and updated there are imbalances and inaccuracies in the styles accorded to various officers of state .
29 Far more of the current national movements than care to be reminded of it have in practice given up envisaging total state independence as their final aim , at all events in Europe , the traditional home of the principle of nationality .
30 Involvement should mean much more than agreeing to be interviewed by the analyst and working extra overtime hours as the operational date for the new system nears .
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