Example sentences of "[subord] [verb] [adv prt] to " in BNC.

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1 These valuations are way over the top and it is time a lot of these councillors where brought down to earth .
2 The girl more than lived up to her mother 's recommendation of being ‘ good with the little ones ’ .
3 The early historical serials , typified by ‘ Marco Polo ’ , more than lived up to his expectations , drawing much critical praise from school teachers and parents as transmission stimulated children 's interest in the periods of history under view .
4 Both the food and the surroundings more than lived up to Luke 's predictions .
5 But this will have to involve levelling up to the more advantaged rather than levelling down to the lesser , although future benefits can be reduced so long as diminution is applied equally to both sexes .
6 Indeed , she could n't have got closer to doing what Cara wanted than to drive up to Vendelin Gajdusek 's house at the appointed time and ring his doorbell .
7 Today , we debate a legislative programme that could have been proposed only by a Government who have no purpose other than hanging on to office for a few more months .
8 Wiping or scrubbing with the arm fully extended is less efficient than squaring up to a job and wiping an area slightly offset from the vertical bodycentreline .
9 No matter what your business commitments , it is far more sensible to have one day at home in bed to recover from the worst of the virus than to struggle in to work , extending the recuperation period enormously and giving the virus to everyone else .
10 It may mean a 5 a.m. start from the country if she is to have her regular swim before going into the office , but if she is going to see WHS in Swindon or Heathcote in Warwick , it is more convenient for her to stay in Gloucestershire than to come back to London .
11 She parked outside the high brick wall rather than driving on to the forecourt , and as if he sensed her reluctance to enter the house again he did n't attempt to invite her inside — but neither did he make any attempt to get out of the car , and they sat in silence in the light from an overhead street-lamp .
12 I can not imagine a more uplifting experience than listening through to a sequence of Brahms 's chamber compositions such as if offered here .
13 Actually , John nearly went to England much sooner than turned out to be the case .
14 I would have cut my throat rather than grow up to be like my Mam .
15 But McGrath , who has had eight operations on his knees , revealed this could be his swansong , saying : ‘ I will decide at the end of the season , but I 'd rather quit at the top than drop down to a lower level , and the knees cause me a lot of pain .
16 In the former camp , organisations such as the Council for the Protection of Rural England vigorously protest at any threat to the Green Belt and argue that derelict , or ‘ brown ’ sites within it should be restored rather than handed over to developers .
17 All I did was arrive more quickly than going round to your door . ’
18 Because it will be a lot easier than going over to Bradford .
19 Sleep is also very important for me , much more than going out to the newest disco or restaurant .
20 Whenever that happens , rather than going back to the track I play something else that will fit , or I leave it as an improvisational section , so to speak .
21 You should have seen Captain Trentham 's face when ‘ e found out that I had chosen a spell in the Fusiliers rather than going back to gaol . ’
22 The two sets of waves then cancel each other out , rather than adding up to a stronger wave as one might expect ( Fig.4.1 ) .
23 Rather than moving back to a more conventional approach based on genuine consultation , it had opted for a system giving it greater control .
24 When she did finally reach for the food , or lure , all she would do was lean over and rip off a piece , rather than step on to the glove .
25 He wondered , indeed , if some of the teachers were interested in anything other than getting through to three-thirty , filling up the time with something or other .
26 But when she 's at home , Sue Lawley loves nothing more than getting down to some old-fashioned housework
27 Many young people run away from home rather than face up to their problems .
28 The mother was an unmarried girl by the name of Mercy Barnett , a whatever'sstreet trader 's daughter , ill used by a seaman who had made off to the other side of the world rather than face up to his responsibilities .
29 Rather than face up to the horrendous alienation implied by such strong electoral support for Sinn Fein , the Government has closed its eyes and now compels the population to do the same .
30 Whilst other people recognise that the alcohol-induced sense of unconditioned acceptance is a false sensation , the sufferers from addictive disease may cling to it even to death rather than face up to the reality of the need to accept any conditions in life .
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