Example sentences of "[subord] [verb] [prep] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 In formal situations roles can clearly give people special rights , but even in conversation — where according to our definition unequal power is suspended — it is unlikely that knowledge of participants ' social office or status will be wholly forgotten .
2 erm erm concentration put on of where pumping into us , there came back a further report on how one would win that and as I remember it , the professional advise was we should have twenty but Charles and his I nearly said men but progress erm .
3 This was carried out in two centres on an outpatient basis using local anaesthesia and intravenous sedation where indicated at one to four weekly intervals until obliteration of all varices had been achieved .
4 Where left to their own devices as to choice of subject , and bearing in mind the possibility of their being illiterate , they took subjects that were pagan in origin such as The Green Man which is a growth and fertility symbol .
5 With no work to go to and nothing to do except sit in my room and think , I got through a fair number of mental scenarios by the time the next damp grey evening arrived .
6 It is claimed to draw 920,000 two- or three-dimensional vectors per second , and comes with one EISA slot , and rather than tread on its partner 's toes , Samsung hopes to build complementary markets in imaging and scientific visualisation , going entirely through indirect channels .
7 An Olympic movement looking ahead rather than reflecting on it 's noble past was how one I O C Committee member described Atlanta 's win over Athens , Bobby Charlton part of Manchester 's bid was n't so sure .
8 Given that Franco was not alone on these occasions and that he was busy destroying nature , rather than reflecting upon it , it seems more likely that advancing age and the duration of his mandate had reduced his appetite for playing an active role in Spain 's political life .
9 Companies which make first-use plastic might prefer recycled plastic to be used in opening up new markets , rather than competing with their products - for example , by substituting for timber .
10 The extra resources available from the uprated grant and loan more than compensate for what the majority of students could have claimed .
11 But they are ideally cast as Captain von Trapp and Max Detweiler respectively , and their imposing stage personalities more than compensate for their limitations as singers .
12 So the priest addresses God Wherefore also we thy servants , O Lord , and also thy holy people , in memory as well of the blessed passion of the same Christ , thy Son , our Lord , as of his resurrection from the dead , and also of his glorious ascension into the heavens do offer unto thy excellent majesty , of thine own gifts albeit given unto us , a pure , a holy , an undefiled sacrifice , the holy bread of eternal life , and the cup of everlasting salvation .
13 There is more to mountains than crashing down them .
14 It is better to begin abolishing serfdom from above than to wait for it to begin to abolish itself from below .
15 we 've got we 've got Michael Howard now talking about , Maybe it 's better if er if the illegitimate children of single mums erm are adopted , rather than stay with their mothers .
16 A strongly built , blue-eyed young man who had chosen to live with his father in Detroit rather than stay with his mother and grandfather in the Bekaa , Khalid Nazir was a regular commuter between Beirut and Detroit .
17 Although intended in its own right as a contribution to the understanding of these issues , the project is also designed to lay the groundwork for further cross-nationally comparative empirical research .
18 But Neptune and Uranus may well create rather more chaos than anything else so you must be careful with your spending , and anything but trusting of other people 's interference : in fact less than trusting with anything to do with borrowing or lending .
19 With such support , pupils have often sorted out ideas and ended by convincing each other , rather than depending on their teacher 's ideas .
20 You have more of the ‘ good times ’ and less of the routine day to day jobs when your child can get bored and irritable — I think it does a child good to get to know and trust somebody different , such as a childminder or a nanny , rather than depending on his or her mother entirely for everything .
21 It was wittily said by a bright genius , who observed another to labour in the composition of a discourse he was to deliver in public , that such a painstaker was fitter to make a pulpit than to preach in it .
22 He gave authority to the party rather than drawing from it , for the local standing of the Stanleys was altogether independent of party .
23 Nevertheless , there is no shortage of energy in passes such as ‘ cum gladiis et frustibus exierunt ’ ( ‘ They went out with swords and clubs ’ ) in the former , and Christophers prefer to concentrate on Peter 's fear as he watches Christ being led away from afar , rather than anger at his betrayal in the latter .
24 But when we 're dealing as we are in this case , with fraud , then clearly there has to be regulations , there has to be er primary legislation er so that was the point I 'm making but as I say , it 's not just me , it 's the stock exchange , the S I B , all of them believe that we need a single enforcement body to look at these matters and I do wish perhaps the minister does but the government must acc eople and a number of ople obviously with a number of traumas and a number of di exploit the different rules and regulations and to get through them because they know they are never going to be caught and the little chance of being prosecuted and even if they are prosecuted er then the chances of being convicted are remote and even if they are convicted I 'm afraid that the judicial shi system shows er that the worst they can expect is a few hours mowing the grass in front of an old folks home or perhaps a few months er in the country residence , albeit owned by Her Majesty .
25 However , imperfectly practised , this approach at least recognises that health care intervention must supplement that of the parents rather than substitute for it .
26 It is equally notable that in four other instances , children who later had a choice stayed on with grandparents , rather than returning to their parental home .
27 According to their report , " dismantling " or " recycling " are often used euphemistically for dumping , as toxic residues resulting from the process almost always end up staying in Poland rather than returning to their country of origin .
28 Rather than glance at it as most people did , he reached out and took it gently from her grasp .
29 It was n't a conscious move on her part , and yet , once open to his erotically roving tongue , she was helpless to do anything except melt against him with a low moan as the same desire as yesterday curled through her stomach .
30 ‘ For Hepworth , there are encouraging signs of recovery in some of our UK operations , although trading in our continental businesses is less buoyant . ’
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