Example sentences of "[subord] [prep] [pron] we " in BNC.

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1 If we can see this wealth of ideas as stimulations to the imagination rather than as what we have hitherto understood as literal truth we may gain deeper insights into the true nature of our relationship with the living Earth .
2 The houses and cottages are of brick or half-timbered , and it has more of a feel of the Midlands than of what we imagine as Gloucestershire .
3 But this second mutation of Christianity was the work more of a change in the nature of the Roman world itself , its social and its political structure as well as its intellectual assumptions and its culture , than of anything we might call ‘ the impact of the barbarians ’ on it .
4 except in what we have said before , said ,
5 I kept hoping the foreman would notice , but he did n't ; there was some meeting going on and he seemed more concerned with the fact that all the bosses were going to that than in what we were doing . ’
6 In the end the doctor , being far-sighted enough to believe in the value of hypnosis when properly practised , sent her to me to see if between us we could unearth the cause of the problem .
7 If by it we mean a support system to strengthen and assist those who wish to engage in political lobbying , well and good , but if we are to take on a proper campaigning role as Oxfam has done , then this would require additional staff with the necessary experience and specialisation .
8 At lunch time Derek and I almost caused a riot in the dining hall , because between us we could obviously only sit at two tables at once and every table wanted us to sit with them .
9 ‘ It 's only hard because between us we 've made it that way , ’ he murmured softly .
10 Thank goodness we were never occupied — not so much because of what the occupiers might have done to us , but because of what we would probably have done to each other .
11 Porn embarrasses us in part because of what we use it for .
12 You know , but i if we could n't , if they we as they said , if they wanted that money back tomorrow we could only give them half that money back because of what we 've got
13 he never made any thing else in his image , but he made you to be created in his image and with that there 's that status , were not just a more intelligent animal , were not just something else that God made even , but were that , that peak of his creative genius , the peak of it , the very pinnacle of it , not because of what we are , but because of the image , the pattern that he was using , his own self , created us in his image , so that gave us status but it gives us responsibility .
14 And you know there 's a you and I , whatever stage we are in our pilgrimage , in our journey in life , we do n't become lost because of what we do .
15 He also points out the song 's crucial omission , astonishing in a work of the protest movement : Dylan never says that Zantzinger is white and Hattie Carroll black , and forces the listener to assume that she was because of everything we are told about her : her name , that she had ten children , her position as a maid who ‘ did n't even talk to the people at the table ’ and , more tendentiously , because of what was done to her and the mild punishment meted out to her murderer who ‘ at 24 years/Owns a tobacco farm of 600 acres ’ .
16 And we 've already discovered in the last six months by discreet calls because of something we 've seen a bit funny in er er in er references that have come back or people have been down right honest and said , Sorry er this guy was last time I spoke with him .
17 Elaine , a 16-year-old girl who has spent most of her life on the streets of Rio de Janeiro , in Brazil , puts it better : ‘ I dream of a better world , a world where children and adults are no longer abandoned , tortured and murdered because of who we are or what we do …
18 For through him we both have access by one Spirit to the Father ’ ( 2:18 ) .
19 ‘ An Odets play was awaited like news hot off the press , as though through him we would know what to think of ourselves and our prospects . ’
20 It is concerned with telling you as much about what we do n't yet know as about what we do know .
21 Mourning leads to happiness when through it we sense our place within the human family , and our need for God 's love .
22 Erm , the with with reference to something that comes up later on the training budget looks a small figure , as against what we 're talking about later in the meeting .
23 The story is as much inspirational as sad , for with it we are made aware of the part we can play in our own Christmas story .
24 Tim Garland , Freixenet 's UK Managing Director , said ‘ This new arrangement is most timely , for in it we recognise Nick 's considerable achievements of last year .
25 ‘ It gave everyone a good introduction as to what we can expect — the weather was hot and the pitch typically flat . ’
26 I only wish I was clear as to what we will do myself , you may be sure . ’
27 COPLESTON : As we are going to discuss the existence of God , it might perhaps be as well to come to some provisional agreement as to what we understand by the term ‘ God ’ .
28 And I think even while we 'd been in Opposition , remember no one knew whether we were going to win or not , it surprised many people when we did , there had been some sort of discreet across-the-fence interest at the professional Civil Service level in some of the concepts that we were developing and I 'd made it a point of writing the occasional pamphlet as our thinking went along to send out smoke signals to everyone including the civil servants as to what we were about .
29 The inability to enter into an understanding with them is due to our limitations , our lack of perception as to what we are and what this ‘ world ’ really is .
30 When light dawns as to what we are fighting for and why it is so difficult to achieve , sometimes we can break off and laugh with relief and take the steps to reconciliation that , again and again and again seem to be necessary .
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