Example sentences of "[subord] [noun] was [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This rebellion had two main foci : the Viceroyalties of the Rio de la Plata and of New Granada , where resistance was to be symbolized by Bolívar , the greatest of the liberators of Latin America .
2 Partial results from the 70 constituencies , where election was by proportional representation according to party lists , gave the DLP 35 seats with 42.6 per cent of the vote , Sajudis 18 seats with 21.6 per cent and the Christian Democrats , expected to ally with Sajudis , 10 seats with 11 per cent of the vote .
3 The law stated that the Chechen republic would be considered " after the settlement of the crisis in the republic " , where Dudayev was under pressure from his opponents .
4 Where Richard was during these years of military and diplomatic manoeuvring we do not know , but it is a reasonable guess that he was with his mother , since Aquitaine was her duchy and it was by her wish that it was to be made over to him .
5 On his six-week tour of the provinces in August and September 1858 , the tsar encountered a spectrum of opinions which ranged from Tver " on the left , where Unkovskii was at least as radical as Nikolai Miliutin , to Nizhnii Novgorod on the right , where the local gentry wanted serfs to pay not only for any property which they received in the event of emancipation , but even for the freedom of their bodies ( which the gentry did not own ) .
6 She continued caring for his wardrobe during her royal romance , on one occasion delivering a pile of freshly laundered shirts to the back entrance of St James 's Palace , where Rory was on duty , in order to avoid the press .
7 His objective was to challenge what he called ‘ the liberal theory of the state ’ which ‘ assumed that in political society where anarchy was to be avoided there must be a supreme authority which gives orders to all and receives orders from none ’ .
8 Where tenure was for life only , and not by inheritance , where entry fines were not fixed by custom , it was possible for the lord , perfectly legally , to raise these to a level which a possible heir could not pay , not in the expectation of getting more money , but in the certainty that failure to pay would give him the right to evict .
9 There was a disco where beer was on sale but thoughts of dancing the night away evaporated when we found other people were using it for sleeping .
10 In addition Drury persuaded one witness to amend his evidence so as to incriminate Cooper , arranged for another to be shown a photograph of McMahon so as to pick him out in an identification parade , omitted to tell the defence of two witnesses crucial to their case , cited another as prosecution witness to prevent the defence from calling him , and bribed two prisoners in Leicester Prison , where McMahon was on remand , to say that McMahon had admitted to them his part in the crime .
11 He accepted a position in a dealer 's gallery , where Matisse was among the artists who benefited from his judgement .
12 Like so many others , Baron de Tracy knew which way the wind blew and where gain was to be had .
13 First , where judgment was in a sum of money , it was possible to proceed against individual items of the debtor 's property .
14 Back at the Branch , customers were greeted by cashiers clad in red noses , and at the end of an enjoyable day , more than £40 was in the kitty .
15 Although Nizan was in Moscow at the very outset of the Stalinist purges , his gaze was focused less on the national than on the international scene .
16 Once Ratcliffe was in the side on a regular basis , he cemented a partnership with Andy Moles .
17 After one or two early passages of arms , when Wheeler had first come into the post , in which it became apparent that Wheeler was prepared to be a good deal nastier to Ian than Ian was to him , Ian had settled for a civil service manner in which he made no attempt to contribute to the department 's thinking .
18 Once Lucy was in the cot you could just squeeze in the door .
19 ‘ He 's a better prospect than Gazza was at the same age , ’ said McDermott after the 19-year-old tormented Cambridge .
20 The Declaration envisaged the abolition of all tariffs within the zone , although Ecuador was to be permitted to dismantle its strongly protectionist system in two stages — 50 per cent of its tariffs would be lifted by the end of 1991 , and the remainder by June 30 , 1992 .
21 Further , although Marseilles was under the rule of Childebert by this time , the latter 's governor Rathar , arrested Theodore and sent him to Guntram .
22 It seemed to Annie that no sooner had Tamar arrived in the market hall , than Goodison was by her side , suggesting that it was time they started off for home .
23 Now Kennedy had a dilemma although Cuba was in the Caribbean , and although the United States had the biggest navy in the world , and the biggest airforce and was easily able to exterminate Cuba if it wa if it wished to , it was vulnerable , however , in other areas , in particular it was vulnerable in Berlin and it was vulnerable in Indo-China .
24 Now Kennedy had a dilemma although Cuba was in the Caribbean , and although the United States had the biggest navy in the world , and the biggest airforce and was easily able to exterminate Cuba if it wa if it wished to , it was vulnerable , however , in other areas , in particular it was vulnerable in Berlin and it was vulnerable in Indo-China .
25 ‘ But as Colin is to me , so Maurice was to you .
26 Although Port-au-Prince was under fire from the oldest and most primitive of artillery pieces , which were so ill-preserved as to be as dangerous to their operators as to their targets , the effect was still terrifying to the populace , who were unused to the banshee wail that echoed overhead and preceded bone-crushing explosive impacts .
27 Although laissez-faire was by no means discarded in the 1930s and the dead hand of economic orthodoxy , particularly in fiscal matters remained strong , there were signs of change in the stance of government in some areas .
28 Even so , Piladu knew that once milking was over the facts had to be faced , and faced in the kitchen where his wife would be listening .
29 In 1911 the inaugural conference of the National Council of Public Morals ( NCPM ) announced that prevention rather than punishment was to be the keynote in the regeneration of the nation 's moral life .
30 The school bus was late , so Anna was on time .
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