Example sentences of "[subord] [noun] [be] given " in BNC.

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1 Anthropologists , in turn , have attempted to argue that , for example , the transition from brideservice , in which labour is performed by the prospective groom , to bridewealth , where objects are given in exchange for the bride , marks a significant difference in the development of a phenomenon whereby objects may stand for human labour , with the implication that this is the first stage towards the conditions of property and alienation as we know them today ( Strathern 1985 ) .
2 Yes my Lord I I I 'm not going to invite your Lordship t to take a great deal of time reading reports that state in detail erm but I think the witness statements and I think probably the documentation that might help your Lordship at this stage er to see something of the and to ensure that where evidence is given it can proceed fairly fairly quickly .
3 Where notification is given at the first stage , but not in accordance with the procedures laid down for the first stage , you shall not be disentitled to SSP for that day for that reason only .
4 Where instruction was given selectively , government departments tended to take into account the general status or work activities of users , in contrast to private industry/commerce where regular , personal usage and time available were more important factors .
5 Where leave was given , it was not uncommon to find on investigation that there were no grounds for granting any relief .
6 Consultation : joint committees are set up where users are given information and can state their opinions , and in the case of differing view , can expect management to explain its reasoning .
7 Archaeologists claimed to have found the remains of Shakespeare 's Globe Theatre , where Hamlet was given its first performance .
8 Where children are given responsibility they are placed in situations where it becomes important for them to communicate — to discuss , to negotiate , to converse — with their fellows , with the staff , with other adults .
9 Where judgment is given in a default action ( Ord 9 , r 6(1) ) for payment forthwith , it need not be drawn up or served unless a request to issue enforcement proceedings has not been made , or the plaintiff has abandoned part of his claim without amending his particulars of claim and serving the defendant , or where the judgment is interlocutory ( N 17 ) or where a Certificate for judgment under s 12 of the Civil Jurisdiction and Judgments Act 1982 is to be sought ( Ord 22 , r 1(3) ) .
10 Where judgment is given for a sum which exceeds £200 and represents or includes damages in respect of personal injuries , or in respect of a person 's death , the court must include in that sum interest on those damages or on such part of them as the court considers appropriate , unless the court is satisfied that there are special reasons why no interest should be given ( ibid , s 69 ) .
11 It is mandatory for the court to award interest where judgment is given for personal injuries or death which exceed £200 unless the court is satisfied there is a special reason .
12 It may be added that where facts are given from which the negligence or unreasonableness ( or absence of it ) may be inferred , you should argue from these facts in much the same way as if you were addressing a jury .
13 David introduced her to the warden , then they made their way to the residents ' common-room where Rachel was given a rapturous welcome by her new friends , in particular by a young Down 's syndrome woman called Belinda whose delight at seeing her again was only too apparent .
14 An important feature is that once bonuses are given , they can not later be withdrawn or put at risk due to some speculative investment .
15 Although compensation was given to the deportees for possessions stolen from them during the journey , no compensation was offered to the schoolchildren who were forced by internment to leave school or job training to which , in most cases , they were unable to return .
16 Although attention is given in the discussions to underlying emotional problems such as we have described in this chapter , some people 's emotional ‘ blocks ’ do not shift in this setting .
17 Also , facilities with a project cost of less than £25,000 are given a low priority .
18 But then the weather changed and although things were given and flowering it was cold and windy and it seemed strange there should be all that blossom , wrong like , as if it had made a mistake and popped up at the wrong time — that was because I had felt the warmth of those few nice days .
19 However , once divisions are given some independence they may make decisions that are not in the best interests of the group as a whole .
20 Although leave was given for the service of the writ , Scott J. was unwilling to allow the Anton Piller order to be served ( and immediately executed ) at the same time .
21 No more than headings are given below — for details , readers are referred to the forms themselves .
22 Although English as a foreign/second language is a primary concern of many students , applied linguistic work in languages other than English is given every encouragement .
23 But she fears bureaucracy may have delayed the day of judgement even further and it may not be June until judgement is given .
24 Yesterday he applied to Mr Justice Turner for his client 's defence costs — both here and in the United States — until Ward was given legal aid in November 1991 .
25 The same result will follow if solicitors are given the right of audience in the Crown Court , as is by no means impossible .
26 For some , especially Siamese cats , it can cause gastric upsets , and if milk is given without alternative water , such cats are liable to suffer from diarrhoea .
27 A £150,000 hi-tech car wash could open next to Scarborough 's ambulance station later this year if plans are given the green light .
28 If rewards were given for keeping a village free of crime , then cases were suppressed by headmen .
29 If permission is given for this then permission would follow for another power station to empty the Inn through the Imsterschlucht , possibly affecting the water in the Ötztaler Ache .
30 If permission were given after an application to the planning committee , the monument would be erected east of the Nelson monument above the former Royal High School building , which would have housed a Scottish parliament if the Conservatives had lost the general election last April .
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