Example sentences of "[subord] [ex0] is not " in BNC.

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1 We need the latter for the ultimate goal of human existence is the vision of God , the mystic 's vision , where there is not pain or suffering or mutability , but only unchanging , radiant and joyful perfection .
2 the natural deduction from what I have said so far would be for Governments to end the necessity of monetising debt and make sure that they do n't put themselves in the position of monetising debt — at any rate in circumstances where there is not a substantial deficiency of demand for labour and where therefore the monetisation of debt would not be counterbalanced by an increase in real production .
3 ‘ He is saying that where there is not a straight fight between Labour and Conservatives , people may wish to vote tactically . ’
4 Such connections are occasionally recognised in orthodox medicine where there is not a long time delay between one complaint developing and the next , though the significance of the link between diseases is frequently missed .
5 In Lincolnshire there are a large number of small schools where there is not a deputy head , and it is inappropriate to transfer a teacher from another school on a temporary basis .
6 But Papert wants something more , as he wrote in Mindstorm : ‘ I want to know what kind of computer culture can grow in communities where there is not already rich technophilic soil .
7 However , gravel does stick to muddy boots , and weeds seem to be able to grow through it , even where there is not real soil to support them .
8 Where there is not sufficient space to fit a rail from side to side , pull-out rails ( such as the extending wardrobe rail , or sliding wardrobe rail from Woodfit ) can be fitted from front to back to provide hanging space .
9 There are a substantial number of churches , particularly in either rural or inner-city areas , where there is not even one trained musician .
10 The focus on popular political strategy , on the one hand , and on changes in political representation , on the other , may reveal democratic advance even where there is not the kind of regime change called a ‘ transition to democracy ’ ; so that systems undergoing such complete ( Spain ) or partial ( Brazil ) transitions may be compared to others ( Mexico ) where none have taken place .
11 Where there is not a collection , I think that 's perfectly reasonable .
12 Built by Colla MacDonnell in the sixteenth century , it clings to a narrow promontory , and although there is not much left of the castle itself , its magnificent position is worth the long haul back up the cliff path .
13 Although there is not much use of frequencies above 20GHz , below 15GHz there is intensive use of traditional fixed service frequency bands .
14 There is a rough division between east and west which became apparent in Peter Webster 's study of Severn Valley wares found on the Wall ( 1972 ) , for , although there is not a great quantity it has a definite western bias , which suggests that the means of transport was by the sea .
15 So although there is not as yet any definitive question , any definitive answer to this same question which was raised by Mr a couple of years ago , it is under consideration and we would hope that the sort of answer which he is hoping for might be forthcoming from that source .
16 Many techniques are available with acrylic paints , so there is not one type of brush suitable for all acrylic techniques .
17 But in Kalkadoon the -tu suffix will show who is doing the killing or the biting so there is not need to put the words in any particular order .
18 The Government introduced the discredited poll tax , which cost an enormous amount to collect , so there is not much joy or credit if the new system still costs more than the original system .
19 I believe that you will be well able to represent the views of the members of this mailing list so there is not much I can add except perhaps a comment , that with all the transfers at the club in the recent past , that the team is perhaps unsettled and that gaining the championship this season seems difficult .
20 Cos there is not erm , what I can do and arrange with Loretta and that is that er we could probably , mom and I could get out there early to you , and Beth I suppose as well , and erm perhaps go for lunch or something
21 If there is not enough room to get down straight ahead , obviously a turn has to be made regardless of the height ; there is no point in flying on into wind and losing valuable height and space ahead .
22 If there is not this feeling , if it is only a raising of the leg , the arabesque becomes intolerable nonsense . ’
23 If there is not quite an embarrassment of riches , there is enough to make the small investor blush at the choice .
24 The question whether a man who considers himself wronged has a claim which he can make good will depend on the answer to the question : Is there a writ to meet his case or , if there is not one , can one be framed which the King 's Courts will hold good ?
25 So a sensible compromise is to examine the baby to see if there is any obviously treatable cause for its symptoms , and if there is not to advise a treatment for the temperature or diarrhoea , or whatever the baby is suffering from .
26 If goods have not been delivered within 30 days following expiry of an agreed time limit or if there is not an agreed time limit within 60 says from the time the carrier took over the goods , this shall be taken as evidence of the loss of the goods .
27 If there is not the evidence , ‘ the person arrested shall be released ’ .
28 The substantial increase sought in industrial R&D will strip dry its sources of people and ideas if there is not also an increase in funding of the science base through the research councils and universities .
29 Given , as we have already implied , that pertinent external information might be acquired and stored in any functional or operational unit throughout the firm , if there is not some degree of central coordination , how can we ensure that information received from the environment in unit A is readily available and usable in unit B ?
30 ( This is the form that will be used on Sainsbury 's packs if there is not enough room for the ‘ extended ’ ( Group 2 ) list . )
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