Example sentences of "[subord] [to-vb] [prep] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 Except to know by your absence that you are enjoying yourself as you should be . ’
2 ‘ Duw , there 's nothing I like better than to work on my own ideas . ’
3 ‘ My lord — ’ she said at length ‘ — I can not believe that my lord of Gloucester , being your uncle and the acknowledged protector of the realm , intends aught else than to rule in your name until you are of age .
4 It 's easy here , Hilary , Monica and Yvonne are more like your mates than your mum , it 's easier to talk to them than to talk to my mum .
5 There is nothing she enjoys more than to talk on her favourite subject .
6 Gina flashed him a bright , insincere smile , wanting nothing more than to escape from his presence before she betrayed the kind of emotions which would embarrass both of them .
7 Glastonbury was certainly upset , although that did n't stop him nodding off on several occasions ; Fagg was enraged — the term ‘ bloody fellow ’ came up frequently ; Fishbane was considered ; the Commander spluttered a lot and Chatterton said very little except to draw on his memory of some committee problem that had arisen in 1964 .
8 He said , ‘ In the event of trickery , you will know better than to hope for your life .
9 There was nothing I longed for more than to get into my car , slam the door behind me , close out this looming world of rage and violence .
10 A few of the men were pointing at him , struggling as if to go to his aid but being restrained by their companions and womenfolk .
11 He held her face between his two hands and his glance penetrated her as if to see into her soul as he asked , ‘ Are you seeing any of those actors ?
12 He turns his old head wearily , as if to indicate to his family the kind of people he has to deal with these days .
13 Hope shook his head and sat down carefully as if to concentrate on his tea leaves .
14 Ruthie , as if to compensate for her boss 's powers of vision , seemed to have every known complaint of the eyes short of blindness .
15 ( as if to attest to their virtual invisibility , homosexual acts between women had never even been covered by the law that was being repealed . )
16 The other hand clutched tightly to its robe hanging in furls , as if to beat at its hidden heart .
17 Rehabilitated by the partnership with Sien , refreshed by the gleams of baby life , confirmed by Theo 's continuing supply of materials and basic finance , and by his unflagging moral support , he was ready to move in closer , as if to feel on his skin the buried heat of creation and experience its terrific energies .
18 She was quiet , muted , moving before her sire with downcast eyes and dutiful voice , and withdrawing into the shadows as soon as her errand was done , as though she had no part in what was still to do , unless to wait on their requirements .
19 Even to play with a pick I would have to do the same thing , like Phil Lynott did , whereas to play with my fingers in a heavy metal kind of way , as I normally do , I have to have the bass quite low or else my wrist gets mangled up and I start having problems with tendonitis .
20 The Wimbledon midfield player should have decided by yesterday whether to appeal against his record £20,000 fine for his part in the video ‘ Soccer 's Hard Men ’ .
21 The gesture was made by Bill Tennant , head of VVL , to Jones , who has been given an extra week by officials at Lancaster Gate to decide whether to appeal against his punishment .
22 He had so manipulated the situation that if she wanted to do what she could for the twins she had no alternative but to agree to his terms .
23 Also , as the claim of executive privilege involved constitutional issues , Greene ordered Poindexter 's lawyers to disclose their defence strategy for the forthcoming trial to Reagan and the Justice Department so that they could decide whether to proceed with their objections .
24 Careful pre-test counselling is essential so that you understand all the advantages and disadvantages of knowing if you have HIV , and can make your own informed decisions about whether to continue with your pregnancy .
25 I asked Kerry how she decided whether to write on her own or with another person .
26 AUSTRALIAN lock forward TROY COKER faces a very difficult dilemma : whether to come to London for Harlequins ’ Pilkington Cup final on 2nd May or whether to play for his province Queensland against Auckland in the Super Six competition .
27 He had manoeuvred her just right , pressing her into the tightest corner , standing squarely in front of her so that she had no choice but to stare into his dark , angry face .
28 ‘ Almost like old times , Denis , ’ as a happily departing season-ticket holder remarked to Mr Law of the BBC , while in the directors ' box Mr Boycott , a guest of Brian Clough , was unsure whether to smile for his friend or sigh for his county .
29 She paused , suddenly wondering whether to stick to her prepared story , or to change it .
30 We also support the element of flexibility within the arrangements whereby community citizens have the option of whether to vote in their country of residence or in the home country via a postal ballot .
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