Example sentences of "[subord] [num] years [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Gamekeeper John Bosher returning to the Blenheim estate wood where 10 years ago he came across a half decomposed body .
2 Pricing for the Y-MP M98 starts under $10m where three years ago , eight-processor Cray supercomputers started at over $23m .
3 It is that same KaDeWe — you pronounce it ‘ cardayvay ’ — where 60 years ago a Hungarian band played popular dance music favourites in the chic top floor restaurant .
4 In 1985 Dr Rosalind Maskell at St Mary 's Hospital , Portsmouth , reported a noticeable fall in TMP resistance where two years previously she logged a sudden surge in resistance .
5 They will go to Klosters , his favourite resort in the Swiss Alps where four years ago he nearly lost his life in the avalanche which killed Major Hugh Lindsay .
6 After indifferent form in the early games , the first Test at Sabina Park , where four years earlier they had been annihilated in three days , was upon them .
7 More than seventy-five years later , we are still working out their implications and trying to combine them in a unified theory that will describe everything in the universe .
8 Su Ragazzi , formed less than eight years ago , clinched their first Scottish League title ahead of West Coast last Saturday in spite of a 15-6 , 12-15 , 14-16 , 11-15 defeat by the Kilmarnock side in Glasgow .
9 less than eight years earlier .
10 She would smile and smile while he unbuttoned his flies , trembling and muttering those nervous endearments as he had more than eight years before .
11 Not really , perhaps such beings only recently ( less than 500 years ago ) developed radio communications or space vehicles , and the radio signals or vehicles have not had time to spread very far .
12 That was more than 500 years ago .
13 ‘ Why , that 's more than fifty years away .
14 If we return to Deutsch , writing more than fifty years ago , she adds : ‘ This type of woman is dying out , and the modern woman seems to be neurotic if she is frigid … ’
15 Less than fifty years ago the German theologian Rudolf Bultmann , still the staple diet of theology undergraduates , declared in an essay entitled ‘ The Crisis of Belief ’ :
16 ‘ It is not often recognized ’ , said Maine in 1885 ‘ how excessively rare in the world was sustained legislative activity till rather more than fifty years ago ’ , but law-making had by 1880 already become the characteristic activity of the modern state .
17 The cost of a united Germany is going to give the German Chancellor a few headaches , but when you consider what a mess Berlin was less than fifty years ago , the future for this city looks brilliant .
18 It might reasonably be argued that the single most inflammatory portrayal of Jesus anywhere is in D. H. Lawrence 's The Man Who Dies , published more than fifty years ago , a miniature masterpiece in which Jesus is depicted as having what used to be called ‘ sexual congress ’ with a priestess of Isis in an Egyptian temple .
19 It was suggested more than fifty years ago by M.G. Jones that the setting up of charity schools with common objectives between 1710 and 1730 under the leadership of the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge ( SPCK ) amounted to a " movement " .
20 I would n't underestimate the problems of famine , but this is largely a question of mild distribution , and I think we 're learning to cope with it better than fifty years ago .
21 It was an echo of Goldsmith 's Deserted Village written more than fifty years earlier .
22 Although the Hungarians chased the hapless Habsburgs out of town more than 70 years ago , in the confusing Fifties , the comrades were too preoccupied jailing and executing social deviants to strip the pretender of his nationality .
23 Most of them had drowned and been interred in the mud : even today more than 70 years later , farmers ploughing the fields unearth the bones of these unidentified men .
24 Health Authority figures show some outpatients who 've been referred by their GP to an orthapedic consultant there , may have to wait more than 2 years just to be seen .
25 Doctors expected him to die , but he did n't , although 12 years later , his brain injury has changed his life .
26 I ca n't see what the point is that was more than forty-five years ago
27 Scientists and musicians have struggled to add feeling to synthesised computer-music ever since Max Mathews first helped to teach computers to play , more than 30 years ago .
28 Again , most come from the local supermarket except for the small , but spectacular scarlet ‘ Flamboyant ’ , brought more than 30 years ago .
29 To think that not less than 30 years ago we still had a fiver worthy of the 18th century and felt no need to supplement the revenue by the constant issuing of new postage stamps .
30 More than 30 years ago BBC Radio carried out a ‘ Which ? ’ -type survey of football ground toilets .
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