Example sentences of "[subord] [v-ing] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In this Europe there is a Benetton in every high street , Badoit and Czech Budweiser in every fridge , an Armani jacket in every wardrobe , Beaujolais Nouveau on every table , cable and satellite television channels in many languages in every living room , an Umberto Eco novel on every bookshelf , a Volvo in every garage , where CDs of The Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment lie casually next to Eurythmics , and where nipping across to Paris for the day is as natural as doing a day 's business in London .
2 Frey in Rights , Killing and Suffering ( 1983 ) paints a detailed picture of the possible downfall of whole economies the minutiae of which , although hinting strongly at overkill , are nonetheless plausible enough to be disturbing ( 197–203 ) .
3 These people have met new friends , gained in confidence and , most of all , self respect and would rather be doing some form of work rather than wasting away at home .
4 He is probably right , too , in thinking that she would be far better known in art historical terms had she stayed in France , where her daring move into abstraction was more appreciated , than returning dutifully to the provincial inertia of Dublin .
5 According to the script , after an initial twenty minutes of Anglo-Saxon bombardment , the Turks would be weeping with fear and humiliation , and devoting much of their on-field activities to figuring out ways of being granted political asylum , rather than returning home to their doubtless murderous regime , where they would be summarily sent to work down the sewers for ten years .
6 These bursts of repetitive non-sequential pressure peaks did not show any characteristics that would suggest a common cavity phenomenon ; they were not preceded by a sudden small increase in base line oesophageal pressure occurring simultaneously at different levels of the oesophagus ; and the shape of the individual waves , although occurring simultaneously at different levels of the oesophagus , was often different from one level to the other .
7 Although occurring naturally in the soil , for fish feeding , they are best cultured .
8 Some mosaics from each of the two main sequences have to be considered as approximately contemporary : these sequences , although developing partly in parallel , do seem to overlap , stylistically , at Chedworth .
9 So we 're more than looking forward to reviewing this one , although before we examine it in detail perhaps we should take a quick look at Lowden 's model-numbering system , since with so many different options available , like cutaways , special inlays , different bindings and decoration , it 's sometimes hard to spot which model is which .
10 The nature of time in the British Civil Service as changed , cut up into small blocks covered by forward-looking three year corporate plans , rather than looking backwards to a living corporate tradition .
11 This is yet another reason why we must get to the heart of the problem by controlling consumption , rather than searching hopefully for grand solutions .
12 This is yet another reason why we must get to the heart of the problem by controlling consumption , rather than searching hopefully for grand solutions .
13 Today that interior decoration forms part of the museum itself , rather than acting merely as a backdrop to the works of art on display .
14 In November 1990 the country 's foreign exchange reserves dropped perilously low , although reviving marginally in December to stand at around US$200 million .
15 Quate says that the latest result is so close to the theoretical maximum that his team is now going to concentrate on making the SAM easier to use , rather than pushing ahead with improving the resolution still further .
16 Although writing here with a different purpose from our own — and exclusively from a psychodynamic perspective — Anthony nevertheless articulates for us the final theme that remains to be developed in this chapter , which concerns the formal similarities between the mechanisms of mad and creative thought .
17 Burnard ( 1987b ) commends the use of counselling and although writing specifically about psychiatric nursing , the skills can be used selectively by nurses in any setting .
18 Although scoring well in competition is very gratifying , improving personal performance is the goal which spurs Andrew Kuttner to higher achievements .
19 Whether it is more difficult than selling only to the domestic market is a debatable point , but success depends to a large extent on the attitude and approach of the firm and the personal qualities of the salespeople — not every salesperson is suited to such a task from the point of view of understanding and empathy with the foreign market concerned .
20 Paying once a month for goods requires less money on average than paying separately for each item purchased .
21 Mortgages hit family incomes more directly and forcibly than paying more for the Volkswagen or Sony video recorder which would be among the potentially inflationary effects of devaluation .
22 His reasoning recognises the over-riding principle of the mandate , and gives effect to the principle of self-determination rather than adhering strictly to treaty rules .
23 But it is a damn sight better than going straight over the cliff , ’ he said .
24 And also for the enjoyment and personally , the the satisfaction you get , rather than going home at five o'clock and forgetting all about .
25 I think you actually reflect what is truly political much more accurately that way , rather than going anywhere near political propaganda which , to me is the opposite of art .
26 ‘ Nothing — except waiting here for you too long , ’ she answered , turning her face away from him .
27 On the other hand , when the free-swimming ancestor of plaice and halibut , being , like a herring , vertically flattened from side to side , took to the bottom , it was better off lying on its side than balancing precariously on its knife edge of a belly !
28 If there was a brake , this would not happen and the person would have to stop and start all the time rather than moving smoothly around the supermarket .
29 It listed such positive attributes as free ports , open tendering , the issue of stocks , and contracting and leasing systems , explaining that these were part of the class-neutral " commodity economy " , rather than belonging solely to capitalism .
30 Right now , that seemed almost more important than getting away from Julius .
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