Example sentences of "[subord] [noun prp] in [art] " in BNC.

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1 It was , obviously , a monstrous dilemma and although Ogburn in the State Department was concerned that the Congressional Foreign Relations Committees should not be misled , his suggestion of periodic cocktail parties with non-communist Asians seemed to offer only slight relief .
2 But what I 'm gon na do is give you erm Dermavate Dermavate is actually more potent than Betnovate in the ointment form again to get the rapid penetration .
3 For the longer term , the Secretary of State proposes to replace the Burnham Committees by a Teachers ' Negotiating Group , with central government rather than LEAs in a majority on the employers ' side .
4 Most of the new local authorities based their management structure on the Bains recommendations ( Alexander 1982a:69 — 72 ) , usually with modifications affecting the number of committees : local authorities did not follow Bains any more than Maud in the creation of programme committees .
5 While Brunner 's interpretation of Calvin was weak at many points — as Barth took a somewhat mischievous delight in pointing out — his claim to stand more clearly than Barth in the line of Calvin was not without foundation .
6 Similarly , the increasing employment of women in the growing sector of food , drink and tobacco manufacture by the end of the century , and even the dramatic growth in the number of women commercial clerks ( 4,467 in Edinburgh by 1911 , compared to only 366 in 1881 ) did little to alter the fact that in Scotland generally ( perhaps rather more than England in the same period ) there was a very clear division of the labour market and a de facto segregation of " men 's work " from " women 's work " , which would face any girl looking for her first job .
7 The form of the CDF is shown in Figure 5.2 where the horizontal axis is a scale of all possible values of the uncertain quantity X and the vertical axis is the probability that the true value is equal to or less than X. In the case described in Chapter 6 , X is the date of completion of the project .
8 The form of the CDF is shown in Figure 5.2 where the horizontal axis is a scale of all possible values of the uncertain quantity X and the vertical axis is the probability that the true value is equal to or less than X. In the case described in Chapter 6 , X is the date of completion of the project .
9 Here , the doctor has specified the generic or chemical name of the medicine — it 's like asking for own brand baked beans rather than Heinz in a supermarket .
10 Naville is more cautious than Mallet in the conclusions he draws from his analysis about the extent of conflict with management likely to be brought about as a result of extensive use of such automated technology .
11 In the real world , the safe world of the present , with nothing harder to handle than Ralph in the next room , the phone began to ring .
12 Money counts more than Monet in the 1990s .
13 The Virgin has always been more popular than Christ in the New World ; indeed in the sixteenth century certain churchmen had argued that while the East was the domain of Christ , the newly discovered West was that of his mother .
14 As he continues with the prayer that those who receive the sacrament may " be fulfilled with all hevenly benediction and grace through Jesus Christ " , so Rolle in The Form of Living now turns to a description of the interior awareness of this fulfilment .
15 Clinton has a much keener interest than Bush in the problems of Northern Ireland .
16 She does n't watch all that , she does n't watch all that much really I think she gets more tired than Amy in a way .
17 WC apps : 7 Some observers thought the Soviet Union were a better all-round side than Holland in the 1988 European Championship .
18 A relation is said to be transitive if the fact that it holds between two elements A and B , and also between B and some third element C , guarantees that it holds between A and C. The relation ’ — is longer than — ’ is thus transitive , because if A is longer than B , and B is longer than C , we can be sure that A is longer than C. In the case of an intransitive relation , on the other hand , the fact that it held between A and B , and between B and C , would entail that it did not hold between A and C. For instance , if A were the father of B , and B the father of C , then A could not be the father of C ; the relation ’ — father of — ’ is thus intransitive .
19 Both these stories were widely seen as an attempt to ‘ shoe-in ’ Gordon Brown rather than Smith in the event of a leadership vacancy , although Brown , it must be said , had no part in them .
20 And then that 's circulated to each division , and if Newark in the future is n't coming up anywhere near those standards or , or failing to improve month after month , then he 'll want to know why .
21 If Irenius in A Present View was a masculine version of Ireland , Eirena is a feminine personification ( though both , of course , are English prescriptions of what Ireland should be ) .
22 If Pindar in the Thirteenth Olympian meant anything at all by saying that the Muses breathed sweetly over Corinth , he was not referring to his own day but perhaps to that of the Corinthian Arion who invented the dithyramb .
23 When the Union of Democratic Forces ( UDF ) first screened the videotape of the Dec. 14 demonstration on state television in June [ see p. 37544 ] , Mladenov denounced it as a " slanderous montage " , but experts ruled it authentic on July 4 , whereupon Mladenov in a nationwide broadcast declared that his remark had been taken out of context , and that he should be judged by deeds not words .
24 But if Eliot in the poem has adopted the personality of a fertility god , this god is a peculiarly Prufrockian one in the sense that for all ‘ The constant flame shall keep me warm , ’ he remains not simply a minor divinity , neither being nor meant to be Prince Hamlet , but also , for all the lovers ' attentions , an impotent ghost , ‘ A bloodless shade among the shades/ Doing no good , but not much harm ’ .
25 This punishment has an obvious appropriateness to the crime , because Plato in the Laws ( 871a ) recommends that murderers , another category of ‘ polluted ’ offender , be excluded from the ‘ harbour and the agora ’ .
26 Games rooms or even saunas are often available for visitors to use , while TVs in the room are commonplace .
27 Other nations that use drift-nets include the US , Italy , and Spain , while Denmark in the 1970s had a large drift-net fishery for salmon in the North Atlantic .
28 At the General Election in November , William Gallacher was successful in West Fife while Pollitt in the Rhondda secured 13,655 votes .
29 Greenford , Middlesex-based Cable & Flexible suffered from a building industry in the doldrums , he said , while Seacoast in the US performed below expectations because two large contracts expected in 1992 were deferred to 1993 .
30 One fan said : ‘ I have n't been this wet since Pavarotti in the Park and at least the burgers were cheaper there . ’
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