Example sentences of "[subord] [pers pn] [vb past] what " in BNC.

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1 Dot said , ‘ In the country , where we just been , there 's this lady where we stayed what has n't eaten a banana so long she 's forgotten the taste , and what 's growing these melons in her garden .
2 Colum Cill , after causing the Battle of the Books , came back to Tara for the Convention of Drumceat at the Hill of Synod , where they discussed what to do about poets .
3 Although I did what I could to try to conceive a girl , I could n't be sure that I had .
4 Immediately I regretted what I had said .
5 It knew better than I did what to do .
6 What a relief it was when a couple of hundred other leeds supporters started going crazy , so I thought what the hell and joined in .
7 And anyway yesterday morning she said oh she said I 'm in luck today so I said what 's the matter then and she said .
8 Now er it was n't that night I said it , it was afterwards so I said what did you think about the concert then ?
9 I 've watched Casualty on TV often enough , so I knew what to expect at the hospital : lots of furrowed brows and swishing cubicle curtains .
10 I 'd used dikes , DFs and things like that before , so I knew what I was getting into .
11 ‘ I had worked in recruitment so I knew what I was in for : it can be a nightmare . ’
12 An unusual bird flew past , so I asked what it was — and an inner voice told me .
13 I remember once we were going to have a lot more crocuses on the way up the drive , and he said , ‘ Look , you decide what you want and I 'll order them , ’ so I decided what I thought would be good , because I knew I had to put them in .
14 This on top of everything else , she seemed to be thinking , although she did what she might to eliminate exhaustion and scorn from her voice .
15 She was sure the neighbourhood would initially be outraged at her living alone , despite the presence of more servants than she knew what to do with , but she was proof against their opinion and she would only be a nine days ' wonder in any case .
16 Oh she said I 'm ever so sorry I was miles away , I said yeah we 've just said that , I said you never even heard us , so I said what you , you ca n't understand why you pay too much tax , she said no I know why I pay too much tax she said but more she said I used to be in business she said and I 'm on basic rate of tax , so I said yeah I 've had some of that , so she said what basic rate of tax , I said yeah where I 've come so , it 's a funny thing she said , I was saying to Carol the other day , she said erm , she said what a difference them blokes you work with , so I said yeah , I said I 'm always saying that about these so she said oh she said er
17 And that 's all now so Val said she said I said to Cheryl now do n't you go and take Mervy away cos me and Ken certainly are n't gon na go and sit sit with erm the 's all dinner time so she said what they 're gon na do , they 're going out for the meal and everything and then they 're Ken are gon na go to Cheryl 's for the rest of the day So I said so that 's upset your plans then Val she said is n't it just !
18 When this practice was questioned , the auxiliary protested that all the patients had their own bowls so she knew what they had eaten but that using one spoon was quicker , as she could feed more people at once .
19 Once she realised what you were up to and told you where to go , you seemed to lose interest in her career .
20 Once you knew what the routine was , it was much easier to fit in .
21 ‘ With the Bob Marley exhibition ( which toured last year ) Adrian had taken most of the pictures , so we knew what the images were .
22 That he 'd do that in the morning as a little part time job for 'em , and all he 'd do is erm , the Pool Manager , which is at Lock Gates , he know what ships come in the day before and he really know the man and then in the morning they 'd say well so and so ship has arrived but perhaps he might know it , then he 'd send , he 'd know what men to send and this , cos I , I used to get the latest information , they did n't worry him , they worried me about lates latest information and of course we knew what ships was due for the next day so we knew what allocation we wanted .
23 So you too would assume quoick transformation we 've got a geometric progression in here that goes off to infinity alright which is equivalent to that , that little thing alright , we 've got three parameters here this one , that one and that one , alright , so we converted what is an infinite stream into a finite stream using this er , quoick transformation .
24 And despite the wonderful climate , and being able to play Riviera whenever I wanted , I longed to see green fields and my folks and my friends , and hear the cricket scores on the radio , and escape from the constant pursuit of more money and better deals for the clients , who mostly did n't care anyway because they already had more money than they knew what to do with . ’
25 Then , under hypnosis , they were regressed fourteen days to the time or the showing of the film and they were able to watch it again in their minds only — but this time , of course , they were aware of the questions in advance and so they knew what they had to look out for .
26 Two of the women who were moved up with me had already been in prison , one for about a year , one for about eight months , so they knew what to expect .
27 … they brought their homework in and made a list of … aspects like their use of materials , time , care , etc … so they knew what I was looking for , and then I spoke to each child individually and asked ‘ What would you give this piece out of ten ’ and so we obviously had to define our assessment objectives .
28 ‘ We 've had some success already — turned away more than a dozen chaps , we did , once they understood what we were on about .
29 And of these fourteen families , two returned their cheques , with quite a lot of ceremony , to BP Coal once they discovered what in fact BP Coal were up to in the district ’ .
30 The colonel explained that the reason for the exclusion zone would become clear once they saw what had been found in the excavation .
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