Example sentences of "[subord] [noun pl] must [verb] " in BNC.

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1 By the middle of the century , an engineering firm would have a large drawing office ( which by the end of the century might include women draughtsmen ) in which detailed plans indicating exactly where rivets must go , and more highly finished drawings for the client , were prepared .
2 Like virgins to the sacrificial altar , they followed Molly Malone to the place where it all happened ; where Wrens must learn to live in a men 's world because now the war was nearer to them than it had ever been .
3 There is no limitation on the size of a unit , other than units must consist of at least five models unless otherwise stated .
4 ‘ When women are young , their careers and pension rights would be damaged if they took time off for their children , so grandmothers must help .
5 Goldman 's defence was that , as a market-maker in MCC shares , it was exempted from having to disclose its holdings , even though they rose above the 3 p.c. threshhold above which investors other than market-makers must make public disclosure .
6 Names will be picked out of the bag on January 31st , so coupons must reach us by that date .
7 But , gentlemen , of this I am certain , the Conservative Party has been a good thing for this country and it is our business today , and as long as we can , to keep that Party solid ; and if splits must come , to delay them as long as we possibly can ( Applause ) .
8 I do not care a toss if blokes must look
9 When non-exclusive fruit-eating passerines ( in Israel ) were kept on exclusively fruit diets , they lost weight as the protein digestibility increased : they ingested more energy and protein than was required but digested less , suggesting that the fruits may contain agents that reduce the efficiency of nitrogen metabolism , such that dispersal is improved because birds must move away from the fruit source to seek out insects or other animal proteins to balance their diet .
10 Commodity prices — at their lowest since the Great Depression of the 1930s — show no signs of looking up because countries must export more every year just to keep their revenues stable .
11 However , this seems to have largely failed , perhaps because of inferior purchasing power and because wholesalers must try to make their independent retailing members behave like variety multiples , using voluntary means .
12 This lays the groundwork for another great factor that is frequently ignored at great expense : because women must have these psychological or romantic preconditions met before they can enter fully into sexual relations , they take a lot longer to ‘ warm up ’ .
13 While projects must meet certain criteria , a wide range of activities can be undertaken .
14 Existing road links to the busy port of Larne Harbour and from the Port Stranraer into England must be improved , while airlines must increase cargo capacity on their flights to major airports on the U.K. mainland .
15 Mary Warnock , the philosopher , argued that the dismissal was justified since professionals must learn to face a work demand like mercy killing with calm , although not necessarily with indifference .
16 While members must make the major policy decisions , Bains recognised that officers contribute to the stimulation and formulation of policy : ‘ … the skilled professional officer is not just a servant who is paid to do as he is told ’ ( Bains 1972:8 ) .
17 In particular , the Panel is concerned that it should be made clear in the offer document , acceptance form and subsequent documents whether shareholders must lodge their certificates by the closing date of the cash underwritten alternative in addition to their completed acceptance forms in order to receive cash ( see para 11.3.16 below ) .
18 Flowers that enlist them as pollinators must cater for their tastes and produce a similar smell and often do so with an accuracy and pungency far beyond the endurance of the human nose .
19 Now cities as well as states must contribute to the rebuilding and remodelling of East German museums .
20 The government , whilst expressing concern about the risks to the UN International Maritime Organisation , have said that tankers can not be banned from the area as captains must have the option of using the route in rough seas .
21 The male People drew it tight , as fishermen must have done when they hauled in a catch in olden times .
22 And because of a very mild T S S infection , it 's very unlikely that my daughter will ever have another child , so I wholeheartedly support the composite motion , but want to emphasize what we as individuals must do .
23 This sometimes happens when managers must prepare for press conferences and they develop a superb presentation only to drop through the floor when an awkward press vulture homes in on the one weak link in the chain of argument .
24 The cost is $10,000-70,000 — though customers must provide their own cars ( which need to have engines powerful enough to pull all that extra weight ) .
25 They , too , increase costs as businesses must surmount a host of differing national rules and regulations if they wish to trade in a number of Member States .
26 For effective linkage to be achieved between the various elements in the Authority 's policies for educational reform , relationships as well as procedures must change .
27 Police have asked neighbours to be alert as vehicles must have been used in many of the burglaries committed .
28 The Genesis story , for example , does not symbolically convey a perfect creation in which human beings were equal , but one which carries ( as feminists must believe ) a false moral message .
29 Would that I had such help as men must have ,
30 However , the degree also has a taught component , as students must attend at least one postgraduate seminar every term over the two-year period of the degree , and are examined on their work in these courses .
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