Example sentences of "[subord] [noun pl] [coord] that " in BNC.

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1 Thus in general , Solihull secondary teachers believe that staff would be more honest if names were kept off the response sheets ; that the scheme focuses on weaknesses rather than strengths and that generalizing about schools as a whole is difficult .
2 Elephants have bigger brains than humans but , probably with some justice , we like to think that we are cleverer than elephants and that our brains are ‘ really ’ bigger if you make allowance for the fact that we are much smaller animals .
3 Large regional studies of children 's smoking habits during the 1960 's and 1970's showed that more boys smoked than girls and that boys started earlier [ 3 ] .
4 Pupil Gender : It is well documented that boys get into more trouble in school than girls and that boys are generally more assertive and visible .
5 Thus , given that more males are likely to be known than females and that males are underrepresented in the sample , this too suggests that Table 5.8 underestimates the level of known users in the user population as a whole .
6 They interpreted her expression from the perspective of traditional notions about women — that they were more closely linked to the natural world than men and that their bodies were the source of their creativity .
7 Remember that some patients will be more prone to hazards than others but that there may be occasions when all patients could be at risk .
8 The point is not that some have been forgiven a greater number of sins than others or that some are ‘ worse sinners ’ than others but that some see their need of forgiveness and others do not .
9 We feel we are better than others and that they should come up to our standards .
10 Smith and Frawley 's ( 1983 ) study of the use of conjunction in different genres of English suggests that some genres are generally ‘ more conjunctive ’ than others and that each genre has its own preferences for certain types of conjunction .
11 He must know — as I know — that some managers are more acceptable to some of the employees than others and that the employees may wish to follow those managers down this road .
12 It has been suggested that some sounds are distracting than others and that there are certain kinds of mental activity that are more at risk than others .
13 No , we could do with one to keep everything together cos contracts and that you have
14 ‘ I used to sit around between training and after meals and that meant putting on extra pounds that had to be worked off .
15 The court found that , looked at in substance and fact , the two Medical Defence Union members on the General Council were not accusers as well as judges and that they could not reasonably be suspected of bias .
16 ‘ We posed as dealers and that led to a number of raids . ’
17 In brief we requested that legislation be enacted to preserve the total assets of Pension Funds for the sole benefit of members , that there be equal number of members and employers as Trustees and that members would have the right to oppose Hostile Trustees .
18 By Nov. 1 1943 the German C-in-C Southeast had concluded ‘ that Tito 's forces had to be treated as a full military threat and not merely as insurgents and that it was more important to defeat them than to prepare against the less likely threat of an Allied landing ’ .
19 The 1988 Housing Act was heralded as promoting ‘ tenants ’ choice' : the government assumed that there was widespread dissatisfaction with local authorities as landlords and that tenants would apply in large numbers to transfer to an alternative landlord .
20 I know there are such things as odds and that they are seldom in my favour .
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