Example sentences of "[subord] [adv] [noun prp] [unc] " in BNC.

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1 Of course this is a work where even Karajan 's detractors can only suspend prejudice in the face of his two superlative versions on DG , but Rostropovich communicates a sense of stark yet searing tragedy which makes his performance , of the first movement in particular , very special .
2 Central London , where even Hitler 's bombs never stopped the daily pinta getting through , may be the first area where the milkie becomes an extinct species .
3 I was of course , delighted , and as I could recall her face more clearly than anyone else 's , except perhaps Richard 's , I was able to comply .
4 As irritable as ever ( Mark Smith 's only comment was to compare the trendy utilitarian decor of The Waterfront to that of an open prison ) , The Fall 's lip cuts more ice when it 's backed up by more than just Smith 's mouthings .
5 As irritable as ever ( Mark Smith 's only comment was to compare the trendy utilitarian decor of The Waterfront to that of an open prison ) , The Fall 's lip cuts more ice when it 's backed up by more than just Smith 's mouthings .
6 Although originally IBM 's idea , HP now appears to be taking the lead — but the inclusion of other companies such as SunSoft and Novell Inc is far from assured .
7 But as the South-East Asian boom has gathered pace , so the area has become something more than simply Japan 's backyard .
8 It was a darker and meaner crime than even Joyce 's account suggested .
9 Its qualifications for taming England supporters look from this distance more compelling than even Sardinia 's .
10 The propeller blades alone are more than twice Barbel 's height .
11 Rather more interesting , however , to Julia than either Ian 's or Canon Wheeler 's vision for the Church was the very puzzling question of why , when he invariably summoned his subordinates to come to him by phone , Wheeler had today put himself to the trouble of walking up a back staircase to the servants ' quarters ?
12 Considerable strides have been made , especially in priority areas such as education , and its debt position is much less severe than either Zambia 's or Costa Rica 's .
13 Mosley 's own experience of the First World War was less traumatic than either Chesterton 's or Williamson 's .
14 It is a peculiar text to publish in a catalogue which will have greater circulation and sell in larger quantities than either Sylvester 's monograph or the catalogue raisonné .
15 Although occasionally Nizan 's assessment of a writer fluctuated over a period of time ( Gide , Giono , Mauriac ) , although on occasions Nizan was simultaneously attracted and repelled by individual writers ( Mauriac , Drieu la Rochelle , Celine ) , the bottom line was always a clear differentiation between a progressive and a reactionary attitude to culture .
16 IF ONLY America 's economy were isolated from the rest of the world , there would be less worrying about takeover bids , junk bonds , debt and bankruptcy rules .
17 If only Lorrimer 's body were sprawled at the bottom of the clunch pit .
18 She told him her perfume came all the way from Hollywood , in America , where she herself would have been living these last nine years if only Frankie 's birth had not robbed her of the life of glamour and excitement she deserved .
19 Up until now Minton 's homosexuality had presented no bar to friendship with female students .
20 Up until now Katherine 's posture of confidence had been an act of will , a daring of elements which might prove as hostile as her mother .
21 Up until then Kylie 's biggest audience had been an adoring family and friends who watched as she pranced around the lounge impersonating her favourite pop stars .
22 and erm cos then Pam ph Penny phoned and said shall , it 's her who 's the horsy fanatic but it 's lovely .
23 Around January-February next year , there 'll be a series nattily titled Up Yours With Sean Hughes , while further Sean 's Shows are in the pipeline .
24 While both Christie 's and Sotheby 's did not have the rich assortments of seasons past ( Sotheby 's even resorting to smaller groupings of lots on a page ) there were enough out-of-the-ordinary canvases to make both sales notable successful .
25 For suddenly Georg 's control had snapped and he pushed her hard , violently and savagely away from him so that she spun across the room , hurtled into the table , and nearly fell .
26 You could not snap them off , as perhaps Rachaela 's own mother had tried to do .
27 Rajiv Gandhi 's call when still India 's prime minister at the September 1989 Non-Aligned summit for an $18 million fund based on contributions equivalent to 0.1 per cent of GDP by UN members has the support in principle of the influential Mrs Gro Brundtland of Norway .
28 A fleeting thought that soon she would have to return to the real world played at her conscience but as always Fernando 's lovemaking vanquished such uncertainties from her mind .
29 We all spurred and whipped as we reached the bottom of the hill to keep up pace for the snow underfoot made the going heavy , when both Bowyer 's horse and that of Southgate suddenly took on a life of their own .
30 Though earlier Joseph 's brothers had planned to kill him , and had succeeded in selling him into slavery , the story 's final scene in Genesis 50 showed sincere confessions of guilt , moving declarations of love and all fear finally removed .
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