Example sentences of "[subord] [pers pn] is [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 He is in his third year at sea when the misjudgment of Captain ‘ Battler ’ Cobb , reckless with drink and determined to win the grain race , runs the ship into a typhoon in the South Pacific , where she is dismasted and the Captain is seriously injured .
2 Consider the response of a five-and-a-half-year-old girl in a Yorkshire infant school where she is asked to say how two pictures are different from each other .
3 After the Dorrits come into their fortune Mr Plornish is found ‘ a small share in a small builder 's business ’ , and Mrs Plornish is established ‘ in the small grocery and general trade in a snug little shop at the crack end of the Yard ’ , where she is joined by her poor father , Old Nandy , to whom she is devoted , and assisted by Maggy .
4 And a wife has no other relationship where she is told to submit in everything as the church submits to Christ .
5 During their subsequent separation and his long sojourn in an English prison , where he is saved from the gallows only by a last-minute reprieve , his vision of her becomes intense and idealised .
6 He also operates popular self-defence classes for women at Larchfield Sports Centre , where he is assisted by Debbie Harris , former English women 's karate champion .
7 They applied the well established ploy of neutralising the troublemaker by proposing him for the position of chairman , where he is obliged above all to be impartial .
8 Even the one who has betrayed the light sooner or later is forced to come back to the centre of stability , where he is raised once more into the understanding of clarity and purity of thought and action .
9 Where he is employed by the society , that will be indicated below the signature .
10 CD reintroduces Pickwick , not very happily , in Master Humphrey 's Clock , where he is represented as joining Master Humphrey 's circle and supplying the story of Will Marks .
11 Loudspeakers lead the visitor from one counter to another , where he is deluged in official documents , forms and certificates to fill in .
12 On January 1st the rebels of the United Somali Congress claimed to have driven President Siad Barre into a bunker in the military airport , where he is defended by his favourite tanks .
13 Cemaleddin Aksarayi 's connection with Amasya is more fully developed in Husameddin 's earlier where he is said to have been a fellow student of Hajji Shadgeldi 's ; to have become kadi in Amasya in 763/1361 when Hajji Shadgeldi took power ; to have been raised from the kadilik and the muderrislik of the Dar al- " ilm medrese to the kazaskerlik in/about 768/1366–7 ; and to have remained such until after Hajji Shadgeldi 's defeat and death in battle with Kadi Burhan al-Din in 783/1381 , whereupon Cemaleddin Aksarayi fled to Konya .
14 It can be detected out on the fairways , where he is acknowledged as being among cricket 's best golfers .
15 Nothing goes right for Walter ; his father dies early , soon followed by his mother , a rigid , religious woman , who treats the boy harshly but teaches him good conduct , to write and to hold down a job in a sweet factory where he is patronised by his superiors and ridiculed by his fellow workers .
16 Kapuscinski is soon in a still hairier place , further south , where he is told of the South African intervention .
17 P. G. Wodehouse 's Bertie Wooster had been like that , in the Jeeves stories ; so was Tony Last in Evelyn Waugh 's A Handful of Dust ( 1934 ) , a model country gentleman who loses child , wife , estate and ultimately England itself , marooned as surely as Crusoe in an inland jungle where he is forced to read Dickens 's novels to an illiterate half-caste .
18 Its production has become associated with Italy , and in particular the Florence area , where it is represented in the heraldic arms of that city .
19 The means of promoting consensus on the curriculum proved to be The National Curriculum 5–16 : a consultation document ( hereafter TNC ) , where it is argued that the national curriculum will help to raise standards by ensuring that all pupils follow a broad and balanced curriculum throughout the compulsory period ; by setting clear objectives of what pupils should be expected to achieve ; by ensuring that all pupils , irrespective of their sex , ethnic origins or geographical location have access to the same curriculum offer ; and by checking on performance and progress at various stages .
20 In climatology the system has been adopted as providing a suitable framework and appears as the introductory foundation for Causes of Climate ( Lockwood , 1979a ) , where it is argued that the application of systems theory and mathematics has completely changed the subject of climatology .
21 That this order was sometimes carried out is now confirmed in The Secret Hunters by Anthony Kemp ( 1986 ) , where it is revealed that on Operation Loyton , to quote one example , captured S.A.S. soldiers were shot in the locality of Moussey , between Luneville and Strasbourg .
22 Likewise , if anthropologists used the word religion in the sense in which it is ordinarily used by ordinary speakers of English , where it is tied in with such compartmentalized matters as church membership and a professional priesthood , then it would have no application at all to most of the societies which anthropologists usually study .
23 On the basis of 1 Chronicles 21 , where it is recorded that David incurred divine displeasure because he ordered a national census , some Christian leaders refuse to gather statistics of their membership .
24 A large aerogenerator programme is at present underway in the Netherlands where it is hoped that wind will be supplying about one quarter of Dutch electricity demand by the year 2000 .
25 The Museo Correr 's own permanent collection of Canova is displayed in the last of the series of rooms , the ballroom , where it is hoped that it can remain on permanent show .
26 The aim throughout the year will be to cover all aspects of accompaniment ; Piano in October , Percussion in January , Taped Music in March and , finally in June a Music Workshop where it is hoped qualified teachers will bring along tapes and records that they have used in their classes and which might be helpful to other teachers .
27 These may be very useful where it is hoped to build in cross-curricular links .
28 Where it is hoped to offer the target 's shareholders " roll-over " or " hold-over " relief on a securities exchange , the bidder will usually find it desirable to obtain advance clearance from the Inland Revenue ( see para below ) .
29 The RR wiper motor is mounted in rubber bushes where it is screwed to the bulkhead .
30 Given the commitment of general managers , resources will be found and expertise deployed where it is wanted by the managers .
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