Example sentences of "[v-ing] made the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Having made the Hannover picture I thought it would be nice to have a smaller version , so I now have a two-metre square version on canvas , also painted with Scanachrome , and I am working on the area of the television screen in a more painterly manner than I was able to use on the large one .
2 And having made the mistake a bird seldom gets a second chance , for the startled butterfly takes off , not in the direction the bird might have expected but , apparently , backwards .
3 The letter did not mention that , having made the choice , there would not be much chance of going back .
4 Thus , if the trustees of an interest in possession trust were actually to pay monies it will generally be the trustees who will be treated for the purpose of income tax as having made the payment and not the beneficiary ; if bare trustees , nominees or agents were to pay monies the beneficial owners or principals will generally be treated as having made the payments .
5 On the other hand it can be said in a grudging negative manner leaving the listener uncomfortable and possibly guilty at having made the request .
6 Having made the decision to have Sandy put to sleep , my husband spent the evening before digging her a grave .
7 Having made the decision he now felt elated again .
8 Having made the decision to act Gary also had a deep sense of peace .
9 One man who spoke about already having made the decision to only have safer sex was ridiculed by some of the others .
10 Now both men regretted ever having made the decision .
11 Having made the decision to make a decision the decider has to figure out how to make it .
12 It may well be that some of them regret having made the decision .
13 William Hazlitt 's visit to Somerset , so eagerly anticipated since January , began in fine summer weather towards the end of May.24 Having made the journey from Shropshire more quickly than he expected , he lingered nervously at Bridgwater for two days .
14 Alternately , having made the cheese as above , leave it draining for an extra six to eight hours .
15 Charles had just turned to face the glass case , having made the analogy of the Hooded Owl and God .
16 Having made the appointment with the stranger , he asks casually : ‘ And do you think you could bring a canister of demerara sugar with you ? ’
17 Having made the point , it is worth reflecting that by all reasonable standards , many headteachers and education officers are remarkably successful .
18 Having made the point that blacks identify with each other ‘ automatically ’ , it is no surprise to learn that , when it comes to organizing aspirations for the future , blacks set their sights on blacks who have made it to , or near to , the top of their chosen occupation .
19 Simon , having made the joke about passports , commented that ‘ that sounds terribly racist ’ , only to add that the immigrants were the real racists : the West Indians hate the Asians , and the Asians hate the West Indians .
20 But having made the distinction clear between the two modes it is necessary now to acknowledge that to see the relationship always in terms of contrary orientations may be an oversimplification .
21 It was then , though , that she realised that , having wanted to come to London , having made the break from Hazelbury — as lovely as Hazelbury was — she did not want to return there unless it was absolutely necessary .
22 Having made the model , the solution can be obtained by using trigonometry or scale drawing ( as here ) .
23 Having come this far , and having made the effort to come first , I reflected only briefly as the Commandant in front of me , with his four gold bars on his shoulders , signed a piece of paper and said , ‘ I 'm posting you to the 2ème Régiment Étranger de Parachutistes . ’
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