Example sentences of "[v-ing] at [conj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I rang the club I was appearing at and informed the Con-Sec that Marta Cane would be appearing in place of Zoe Bond who was ill .
2 Last night British Land shares closed at 403p , up 46p on the 357p they were trading at when suspended on Tuesday .
3 He 'd roar with laughter , I suppose , and then ask me what was all this about ‘ little ’ , and we 'd get into some absurd argument about whether he was five feet two or five feet four , end up reviling and swearing at and abusing each other in utter good humour as we used to do often several times a week on the ‘ phone .
4 It also follows that in looking at whether to call in , Ministers do not consider the planning merits of the proposal , but only whether the kind of issues that need to be decided are more appropriate for consideration in a wider than local context by the Secretary of State .
5 Any exhibition is worth going looking at and thinking about , but I do think that that is an extraordinarily bad exhibition .
6 Donna saw the exhibit her sister had been looking at and crossed to it .
7 There is one further way of looking at and estimating the value of a right ( both complete and fractional ) .
8 Derby and Scotland agreed on the specification for an IMS administrative system PIROS ( after looking at and rejecting the available packages ) .
9 Says Jill : ‘ We do hope to see a return on our investment in gaining a better qualified , more capable and more enthusiastic performer , someone who perhaps returns to us armed with new ways of looking at and tackling problems , or an ability to analyse situations and develop concepts .
10 A man was walking past the girls across the street , looking at and talking to them in turn ; then he went off with one of them .
11 I bought the dress she was looking at and chatted to her about it .
12 A small number of the areas in the Castle are specifically designed to waste time — they are stuffed full of bits that adventurers , being adventurers , wo n't be able to resist looking at and playing with .
13 Slowly she drained her glass and for a moment held it in front of her , staring at and smoothing the condensation away with her thumb .
14 It ended in a choking splutter as Sir Thomas , following Nancy 's tragic end , collapsed to his knees , clutching at and dragging over the lectern , and then falling to the floor where he lay as insensible as Nancy herself .
15 The boy told his family last week he was unhappy at the special school he 's supposed to be studying at and planned to escape .
16 Top management is represented by the centre circle and has the responsibility of arriving at and promulgating the corporate plan defining the company objectives .
17 There are , however , still many opportunities to see ocean liners arriving at and departing from the island .
18 The guidance that I have referred to is , as it says , guidance to the court and to practitioners in every discipline , but it is authoritative guidance and valuable guidance which family proceedings courts should make clear that they have had regard to when they are arriving at or announcing their decision .
19 If all the requirements are fulfilled , civil legal aid consists of representation for the purposes of proceedings , and it includes all such assistance as is usually given by a solicitor or counsel in the steps preliminary or incidental to any proceedings and all such assistance as is usually given by a solicitor or counsel in civil proceedings arriving at or giving effect to a compromise to avoid or bring to an end any proceedings .
20 To the adult pet cat living with human companions , its owner 's hand is a symbolic ‘ mother 's tongue ’ tugging at or smoothing its fur .
21 Thus the elements of structure have to behave purposively , working at and overcoming basic human problems .
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