Example sentences of "[v-ing] for some [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Bernard and Laura escaped on to their sailing boat for much of the summer , a yacht they had been enjoying for some years now , and they pottered around Mykonos in Greece .
2 The London General Omnibus Company had been experimenting for some years and , in 1910 introduced to the streets of London , their ‘ B ’ type , petrol engined , double-decker , opened top buses .
3 One possible reason for the lack of motivation within her class could be attributed to tasks not being sufficiently challenging for some pupils , whilst being beyond the intellectual grasp of others .
4 After trading for some months , he has been approached by a company which says it owns the rights to the trade name Pizza Parlour and that he must desist from using it .
5 Such realities , as pressing for some heads in the suburbs as in the inner city , presented an agenda which primary orthodoxies addressed only partly , if at all .
6 I have n't read such a self-consciously ‘ literary ’ book about climbing for some years , and that style came as a shock , perhaps even intrusion :
7 But none of this was in Sara 's mind as she patted Jenny 's arm , seeking for some words of comfort .
8 My hon. Friend will be aware that the commuters in Kent are looking for some advantages from the channel tunnel rail link .
9 The uhum , C & A 's has a lot of them , went down there looking for some shoes for Amy .
10 I 'm looking for some smokes to smoke .
11 She stood up quickly and began rummaging in her bag , desperately looking for some francs so that she could pay the woman and leave .
12 It was Brian , chancing to come across it a few days later while looking for some envelopes , who said , ‘ Who on earth are all these people ? ’
13 After lunch , looking for some chocolates , she went muttering round the room .
14 In 1794 her father took a commission in the army , serving for some years in Ireland .
15 Reagan hammered away at themes which he had been developing for some years and which would be wheeled out every time he ran for public office .
16 He has concentrated on writing for some years , but says he will go back into court when , and if , he finds a case that appeals to him .
17 Opinion : ‘ … it will not be known until Sizewell B has been operating for some years whether the PWR will become the established nuclear option that has been sought for 30 years . ’
18 When such means failed the extended family gave support most often in the form of food or of caring for some children of the family until a crisis was over , or permanently if it was sustained .
19 Byelarus ( on Jan. 3 ) and Ukraine introduced coupon systems for paying for some purchases [ see p. 38732 ] .
20 As before the Polish crisis , there was little protest except from the far left who kept the local Councils of Action going for some months as centres of mobilization and revolutionary propaganda .
21 The power of Chaos had been growing for some years .
22 at the minute , we 're waiting for some bits for this should be in today .
23 ‘ I 'm still working on them , waiting for some details from Mike .
24 Cameron sensed Menzies waiting for some words — any words .
25 The vote resolved a constitutional crisis which had been brewing for some months and which had centred around Slovak demands for far-reaching autonomy in most areas of policy .
26 After calling for some ice-cubes which we popped into the straight Pernod , we drank them down , with predictably weird results ( we had already had Dexedrine ) .
27 Film shown on Algerian television that same evening recorded that he had been speaking for some minutes .
28 Looking back over the Birthday Scheme Register , there are gaps in some people 's giving for some months .
29 The decommissioning of a small experimental reactor on the Sellafield site has been continuing for some years .
30 One three-month-old baby managed to talk its parents into sending Santa a letter asking for some clothes and a few bits for the cot .
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