Example sentences of "[v-ing] that they are " in BNC.

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1 Minimising — accepting that there are problems but denying that they are of any great significance or that they necessarily have any connection with alcohol or drug use : " An alcoholic is someone who drinks more than I do . "
2 If all the cases that attract attention , because they are argued in important appellate courts before public scrutiny , are occasions on which judges are scrupulous in denying that they are serving the goal of protected expectations through their decisions , this can hardly do much to reinforce the public 's faith in that ideal .
3 They include , to give just a few examples , realizing that they have re-read the same page of a book three times without taking any of it in ; nearly getting knocked over crossing the road ; yelling ‘ Tie ! ’ at a pupil they do n't know ; noticing that they are both reading a magazine and watching the television while having their evening meal ; spotting the line of empty wine bottles that has accrued since the weekend .
4 There is obviously something wrong with a portrayal of children as totally lacking in reason until they leap out of bed on their tenth birthday announcing that they are now able to act on principle .
5 He has refused , so far , to bring the Moroccan troops home , but has issued a pamphlet explaining that they are not under allied command , and will not attack Iraq .
6 This can only be rationalised by accepting that whatever form ‘ gods ’ may take , whether they be solid images or heartfelt beliefs in the mysticism of such figures as the Virgin Mary , there can be no gainsaying that they are all , without exception , the product of the human endeavour to satisfy this deeply felt need to place its hard-won ideals into secure keeping .
7 Although groin guards are mandatory for all male competitors , referees have no way of checking that they are being worn .
8 For each key stage , programmes of study are to be drawn up specifying what pupils of different abilities are to be taught in each subject , and attainment targets set out specifying the knowledge , skills and understanding that they are expected to have acquired by the end of the stage .
9 There 's an ecological number sung in typically spacey fashion ‘ The world 's spinning round , like a looney balloon ’ ; there 's an anti-Thatcher song summarising the Prime Minister 's lack of sensitivity in the one charge that she does n't like rock n roll ; and , proving that they are probably the only pop band ready for the single European market , there is an EC tribute : ‘ Down All The Days ( to 1992 ) ’ .
10 American sympathy with Chinese dissenters , inspired by the Tiananmen Square uprising in 1989 , is such that Chinese refugees have no difficulty in proving that they are in danger of persecution at home : of the 3,440 Chinese who sought asylum in 1992 , only 89 were rejected .
11 Following their defeat of Ampleforth , Mount St Mary 's beat a successful Leeds GS side 39-3 , suggesting that they are among the strongest school sides in the country .
12 Scientific examination has shown that they are made of bronze similar to that used in genuine Italic figures from Italy and the patination appears to have developed over a long period , suggesting that they are not modern copies .
13 When birds are released from cages , they flap and stretch at a very high rate , suggesting that they are compensating for their earlier restriction .
14 There is , therefore , a double dissociation between the effects of visual cortex and superior colliculus lesions , suggesting that they are functionally independent .
15 increase in the number of those in temporary accommodation , but is the Minister suggesting that they are not homeless ?
16 Tissue in Dupuytren 's disease contains substantial numbers of CD3-positive T-cells , suggesting that they are important mediators in the pathogenesis of this condition .
17 ‘ Attention was called to the Company 's payment of £50 per annum to the Vicar of Stantonbury for managing these schools , seeing that they are about to be handed over to a School Board and it was agreed that the payment be continued as in respect of Sunday School management , but during the pleasure of the Board and to the present incumbent only ’ .
18 It is impossible to look at any of their actions during the past three years without seeing that they are carrying Home Rule at the dictation of the Nationalist party , but that in order that Home Rule may be carried they are turning up everything in the country .
19 And the finest part of the arrangement is this , that the members of this money aristocracy can take the shortest road through the middle of all the labouring districts to their places of business without ever seeing that they are in the midst of the grimy misery that lurks to the right and the left .
20 Postclassical criminology embraces the relativity of criminal definitions — though without necessarily accepting that they are , or have been , as randomly selective as interactionism sometimes seemed to suggest .
21 The Los Angeles communities are demanding that they are policed and patrolled by individuals who live in the community and the commanding officers by ten-year residents of the community in which they serve .
22 Beginners often continue to struggle with weak lift without realising that they are , in fact , losing height and drifting further away .
23 They tell themselves they are just ‘ unlucky ’ , without realising that they are the creative source of their bad luck .
24 Instead , students will experience a high degree of satisfaction from being able to speak a number of simple phrases " like a native " , while realising that they are far from the ultimate goal ( Rivers 1964 pp 83–4 ) .
25 One views unusual vertical arrangements with suspicion , presuming that they are made so as to prevent others entering the industry , to raise margins and thereby increase profits at the expense of consumers .
26 They , or something like them , are admirable and important and we must strive to make them political realities , but they are not in themselves law and nothing is gained by pretending that they are law .
27 The reality that there are rights of ownership and that they are liable to , and do , conflict with those of labour can not be exorcised by pretending that they are not there ; and it is the exclusion of the public sector from the Committee 's purview which admits that reality .
28 They should stop pretending that they are in a position — that the country is in a position — to refuse to sign the treaties .
29 If we believe , and many of us do , in unitary local government — one door to knock on and one set of people to hold to account — we must give them something to do other than riding around in a civic car pretending that they are important and delivering nothing , responsive to no demands , not aspiring to change and improvement , and not even doing what the Conservatives of old did in the Chamberlain era when there was the sort of socialism that is now anathema to the Tory party .
30 And if I had known this my justification for believing that they are playing at home would be defeated , because I also believe that they normally accept such invitations .
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