Example sentences of "[v-ing] that it is " in BNC.

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1 One can only just go on hoping and praying that it is the best and not the worst that has happened .
2 Whatever you can make of equation [ 9 ] there is no denying that it is a differential equation , not so very different in its way from the differential equations that Newton and Maxwell had used when they had created the fundamental basis of classical physics .
3 How ancient this thought is we can see by noticing that it is just the figure Plato used in The Republic to supply his political myth justifying political inequality ( Bk .
4 Yet software house Microsoft recently caused quite a stir in computer circles by announcing that it is using real people , working for real companies , to test its software products .
5 IBM Corp has shocked all Manhattan — or at any rate New York 's chattering classes — by announcing that it is to close the Gallery of Science & Art , an extremely popular gallery for visiting art exhibitions in the basement of its tower on Madison Avenue : it says it will try to find the seven employees of the gallery other jobs in the company , without holding out very much hope .
6 Digital Equipment Corp also has a copy of the paper , and some of the Common Open Software Environment people think that DEC is now only a photo opportunity away from announcing that it is becoming a member too .
7 This is usually done in order to reassure the patient ( e.g. explaining that it is customary for a person 's interest in sex to be impaired when depressed ) .
8 In one evocative passage , during a discussion of animism and the development of automata , he refers to a six-year-old girl showing her doll how a computer works and explaining that it is a friend .
9 Aragorn sings his song of Beren and Lúthien some fifty pages earlier with a certain reluctance , explaining that it is ‘ in the mode that is called ann-thennath among the Elves , but is hard to render in our Common Speech , and this is but a rough echo of it ’ .
10 You will think me discourteous , but perhaps I may excuse myself by explaining that it is the discourtesy of grief . ’
11 The producer must provide a description , checking that it is accurate ( no identifiable solvent residues ) , prepare a transfer note , ensure that the skip is secure , check that the waste transfer site is appropriately licensed to accept all the wastes in the skip , transfer the waste to the site suitably contained ( in this case by sheeting over the skip ) — and finally retain the transfer document for two years .
12 The phatic function : opening the channel or checking that it is working , either for social reasons ( ‘ Hello' , ‘ Lovely weather ’ , ‘ Do you come here often ? ’ ) , or for practical ones ( ‘ Can you hear me ? ’ ,
13 ‘ An Aching And A Longing ’ , Martyn 's previous album on his own label , has to date sold over 30,000 copies in the UK , proving that it is still possible to achieve success via the traditional workaholic route .
14 When asked to talk through her technique , she appears reticent , suggesting that it is a little too simplistic and old-fashioned , perhaps too naive for those readers who have been to art school .
15 The counsellor may often find that this period also coincides with the onset of a depressed or confused state of mind , suggesting that it is the problems and difficulties which occurred around this time that require counselling attention .
16 When asked to talk through her technique , she appears reticent , suggesting that it is a little too simplistic and old-fashioned , perhaps too naive for those readers who have been to art school .
17 He is not suggesting that it is ‘ thought ’ that is the main determining force .
18 GIST had more success in altering children 's attitudes than their subject choices , suggesting that it is easier to change attitudes and beliefs than actual behaviour .
19 Contrary to some of the conclusions drawn from social scientific research suggesting that it is primarily home or family backgrounds that determines the level of educational performance , Edmonds proceeds to identify those characteristics of effective schools delivering marked improvements in children 's educational achievements .
20 Deletions and point mutations of this gene were detected in eight unrelated XLA patients , strongly suggesting that it is directly involved in the disease and , therefore , in the process of B-cell development .
21 I am not suggesting that it is proven that our motives , reasons and purposes are not themselves reducible to mechanically operating causal factors , as a fully determinist model would have it ; but if that is the case , we are so far from being able to specify these factors that they do not offer a model we can actually work with — as we saw in the discussion of positivist criminology in Chapter 2 .
22 Despite this apparent endorsement , SCO wo n't say whether it has even made a decision yet , suggesting that it is still trying to picture a future for OSF/1 , given the lack of industry support for it and the shadows cast by OSF 's re-focusing .
23 Hall reveals through his examination of Colnaghi documents that Berenson 's recommendations at times ‘ follow almost word for word , Gutekunst 's own letters to Berenson ’ , suggesting that it is time for a re-examination of the role of dealers as well as the more famous advisers in influencing taste .
24 These experiments do not support the notion that poor readers are unlikely to use context when reading , and go some way to suggesting that it is the poor readers who rely on context to aid their weak word-recognition skills .
25 One response to this has been to challenge the position of the majority in the province by suggesting that it is not the population of the province who should decide the issues at stake but the population of the whole of Ireland .
26 Will he give at least gentle guidance to LEAs suggesting that it is not reasonable for students to be excluded from discretionary grants merely because their parents have moved home ?
27 As for Egypt , I do not think that the hon. and learned Gentleman is seriously suggesting that it is about to launch an attack on Israel , or is to be feared in that connection .
28 This difference does not interact with junction , F(9,50)=1.01 , suggesting that it is largely a general improvement rather than one related to aspects of individual junctions .
29 They argued against what they termed Hall 's ‘ ideologism ’ , suggesting that it is too elastic , descriptive and lacking in explanatory content .
30 Well , I 'm not really suggesting that it is .
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