Example sentences of "[v-ing] that [prep] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 I am not suggesting that on occasions it is not totally appropriate to go and help someone — children particularly appreciate a parent 's involvement in a variety of projects .
2 The way people talk over here is pure poetry and nobody is really using that in songs so I thought I 'd have a go . ’
3 It is worth remembering that in conditions of mist or moonlight , the whole south-polar region appears blank , and Beta Hydri is often the only star fairly close to the pole to remain visible with the naked eye .
4 Yet another author they quote ‘ stresses the importance of frontal lobes in maturation , stating that in children with frontal lesions , behaviour is disinhibited and they are consequently less educable . ’
5 Mind you , they 've been saying that for years , and the C64 is still the second biggest leisure-software market in Europe ( and the biggest market for budget software ! ) .
6 And that 's , am I right in saying that in terms of the erm move to try and get erm heating additions , it 's actually started er in , and that but now there 's , there 's , there 's been a spin-off affect , and increasingly people are trying
7 Yes , fine ! you know there are very easy ways of recording that in terms of written down information … in my worst moments , particularly when I 'm talking about ‘ A ’ level , I 've had enough … it 's such an incredibly inefficient and crude method , and also wastes a tremendous amount of potential .
8 For housing purposes we 've taken large chunks out of our greenbelt , signalling that in terms of regeneration , we do n't have regeneration housing sites .
9 The coolies inside the fetid dens immediately began to stretch their stiffened limbs and drag themselves off their sodden mats , knowing that within minutes the cai would be among them flailing heavy staves to rouse the laggards .
10 McCloskey is right , up to a point , in claiming that in cases such as these we have changed the concept : ‘ What we are ascribing and according are not rights in the ordinary sense of rights ’ ( 1975 : 416 ) .
11 hurricane has gone out of the news now , once something like that has happened there 's always another disaster coming behind that actually takes over the headlines , so , about six months , a year , two years afterwards they were still finding that in parts of Europe the general level of nuclear activity was higher than it had been before Chernobyl , why would that happen ?
12 Thousands of Tin Pan Alley tunes share this scheme and Adorno is quite justified in arguing that to listeners of the time it would be totally predictable .
13 Sir : Shabbir Akhtar ( 10 October ) himself makes what he might call a pardonable error in thinking that to liberals — genuine ones , not the compromisers so regretfully limned in John Torode 's article ( 3 October ) - freedom of speech is an absolute value .
14 Thinking that in years of spray-painting , of darting about near the police and taunting them with their nearness , they had been caught only when they wanted to be .
15 Leapor is here parting company with conventional love poetry , leaving that to others who have ‘ a softer Pen ’ ; Swift himself gives some space to describing wedding festivities , though the bitter revelation is expected shortly .
16 The full extent of his generosity to museums and galleries ( leaving that to individuals out of account ) is known only to those who have , or had , charge of them .
17 A testator would not set out to establish a trust , or to confirm his will in trust form , hoping that in details his intention would take precedence over his words : the civil law already coped with these problems , and the law of trusts was able to follow rather than lead .
18 Anne is hoping that in years to come they 'll be just as many grandchildren to keep her on her toes .
19 The pickup selection is of the automatic coil-tap variety , meaning that in positions two and four on the selector switch humbuckers are relegated to the single coil division in order that the great Strat-tone god can be invoked .
20 In the following year a general Act condemned depopulation ( although not engrossing as such ) , declaring that in towns where previously 200 persons were occupied , there were now only two or three herdsmen , and the rest were fallen into idleness .
21 Other member parties in the coalition , however , were reported to prefer the formation of a new government without elections , anticipating that in elections they stood to lose votes to regional autonomy parties .
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