Example sentences of "[v-ing] to [noun] a " in BNC.

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1 NORMAN Waller was cleared of murder this week after he admitted stabbing to death a man he believed was trying to break into his neighbour 's car .
2 Among those on the run are Alan Lord , 32 , jailed for life for stabbing to death a father-of-three , David Gilbert , in 1981 , and Mark Azzopardi , 23 .
3 For £9.4m a sensible organisation would expect to buy a fully completed office development of up to 90,000 square feet , equating to £100 a foot completed .
4 Indeed , he was talking at the time about the possibility of him returning to Europe a few days later with Sampras for the Davis Cup final .
5 Starting off in Vienna , the cars will travel through Italy , Switzerland , Croatia and Slovenia before returning to Austria a fortnight later .
6 BP has produced a guide entitled Parents and babies , which informs employees who are expecting a child of their rights and aims to make returning to work a much easier experience .
7 While the SAS were returning to Jalo a battle was raging and the Eighth Army was in retreat back to the Egyptian frontier .
8 Pound may be right or wrong about the merits of Binyon 's version , as about the sorts of language that are acceptable in verse translation ; what is certain is that he 's here applying to diction a sort of sliding scale or set of variable standards such as Ford 's principles did n't allow for .
9 Evidence commonly cited in support of this analysis is the close agreement found between persons who are asked to rank-order according to prestige a list of occupations .
10 Let it be supposed that according to the usual methods of borrowing and funding , the Public Debts , during the present war , should encrease to no greater degree than they did in the last war ; which was about 30 millions : And let it be supposed , according to past experience , that in ten or twelve years after a peace ; we should be plunged into a fresh war ; which might encrease the debts of the nation 30 millions more , and that afterwards we should have another breathing time of ten or twelve years , and that according to custom a third war should ensue , no less expensive than each of the former two ; these three wars will swell the national debts to the amount of 170 millions , and that in little more than fifty years .
11 The Queen Mother took the reverse stoically , writing to Cazalet a few days after the Grand National : ‘ We will not be done in by this , and will just keep on trying . ’
12 The Board is recommending to shareholders a final dividend of 7.1 pence per ordinary share making a total dividend for the year of 10.3 pence compared with 9.65 pence last year .
13 We note that at the time of going to press a restructuring of the advisory service is under consideration ( Leeds City Council 1991c ) .
14 At the time of going to press a fourth PC World was due to open at Staples Corner .
15 On 14 October Coleridge wrote abstractedly to John Thelwall that , ‘ I should much wish , like the Indian Vishna , to float about along an infinite ocean cradled in the flower of the Lotos , & wake once in a million years for a few minutes — just to know that I was going to sleep a million years more . ’
16 ‘ If you 're just going to print a final output , and you see a number on it that looks odd , you can just hit F7 and go back to where it 's generated , even if you have got to go through several worksheets .
17 To describe this stage as interdependence takes away the stigma of attempting to parent a parent , assuming a role reversal .
18 A rise of between 17 and 20 per cent was agreed , amounting to £64 a week , a dramatic demonstration of workers ' power .
19 It was he who bought the embryonic Field ‘ for a trifling sum ’ , and within a short time achieved profits amounting to £20,000 a year .
20 Since moving to Knaresborough a year ago , Mrs Goode has become involved with the local playgroup where she does three sessions a week .
21 Faced with the possibility of their contributions to the AFBD doubling to £8m a year , members may find a merger less undignified after all .
22 Erm and this is the reason why I brought this tape recorder , and I was saying to Bernard a moment ago , one of the most embarrassing things that can happen erm when talking to a group like this is when you pressed a button er whether it 's a , a tape recorder a video machine or whatever , you pressed a button full of confidence in all the latest technology and there 's an embarrassing silence .
23 So the whole thing is coming to life a bit .
24 Since having to give-up a dolls-house as a small child to help her mother make ends meet , Rosemary Gardner has always yearned to walk into a little world of her own , now , 40+ years later , she has done just that !
25 The Spaniards were heavily outnumbered ( the French ambassador , d'Estrades , had prepared for a struggle by bringing to London a number of officers from regiments commanded by himself and his son as well as soldiers from the garrison of Gravelines , on the northern coast of France ) ; but they none the less won the immediate contest by cutting the traces of the horses pulling the French ambassador 's coach .
26 She achieves this by attributing to Freud a relatively low level of transhistorical applicability .
27 But with prize-money soaring to £500,000 a race , he is poised to become American motor sport 's biggest earner .
28 But while they hesitated and debated , Lucy 's strength ebbed away and she fell in a swoon , putting to death a hundred thousand insects beneath her lovely body .
29 In answer to my office colleagues who saw me manhandling a hopper-shaped device into my car boot the other week : no , I was not setting up a home distillery , merely preparing to field-test a pond filter .
30 After some confusion over the numbering scheme , US sources say HP is preparing to debut a low-end with a box that will best the introductory price of Sun Microsystems Inc 's new Sunergy Classic by $10 .
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