Example sentences of "[v-ing] in [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Correct timetabling in rural areas is essential to ensure that people get to work on time , and the consultative committee could examine such matters .
2 The subject they 're tackling in this report is one that makes the blood run cold in most people 's veins … including mine .
3 My mental eye , rendered more acute by repeated visions of this kind , could now distinguish larger structures , of manifold conformation ; long rows , sometimes more closely fitted together ; all twining and twisting in snakelike motion .
4 He had a vision of the people of the country , walking and walking in endless droves , like pilgrims , across a battlefield shaken by the explosions of guns ; and as the smoke blew into their eyes , the people turned , desperate to see their homes again , but behind them a great dark channel had opened , with torn precipitous sides , and there was no way back …
5 She absolutely could not move because her level of arousal was so high she had no performance her performance being walking in that case
6 These two styles of easy care trousers from calange are the epitome of simplicity and lightness , just what 's needed when climbing or walking in hot climates .
7 In Dering Street , Annely Juda makes a strong start to the new year with her first exhibition of new works by Hamish Fulton who has been walking in recent months in Norway , France and Spain ( 28 January-6 March ) .
8 They could see girls with pony tails and college scarves walking in easy friendship with boys along the damp slippery footpaths up towards Earlsfort Terrace .
9 The easiest course was to leave the car , which they did by the end doors , and they were still walking in single file through the train when it came into Hammersmith .
10 They were sodden and bruised and sore , and there were raw patches on their feet and bodies from walking in wet garments .
11 Nothing is worse than walking in wet trousers for long periods of time , so the overtrousers you select should give as good a service as your jacket .
12 The dryness of the colour leaving the brush gives the feeling of imprecision and confusion , reflected in the experience of walking in these conditions .
13 Townsend says the aim of the book is to give enough information for people planning a trip and ‘ to try and capture at least some of the joy and excitement of walking in these mountains ’ .
14 ‘ Sir , ’ said a voice , ‘ in your place , I would have refreshed myself some inches upstream from my feet , for I have been walking in these boots for months , and the juice flowing away from me can not be sweet .
15 Similarly no one who has attended the Yeats Summer School in Sligo will deny that the seminars and lectures are less profitable than driving to Glencar , or Gort , and walking in those places , or wandering in the demesne of Lissadell and under the shoulder of Ben Bulben .
16 He could see them in chains , walking in bloodied battle armour through the ancient corridors .
17 I keep walking in this rubbish you 've swept in the
18 I thought I was the only one mad enough to go walking in this weather . ’
19 Walking in this area is very extensive , and it ranges from gentle strolls around the lake , to strenuous hikes up and down the mountains : walking maps can be obtained at the local tourist office .
20 A cairn marks the crossroads , and although the outrageously boggy path will cover you in peat to the armpits , you may hug yourself in delight to be walking in empty country again , as the cries of ‘ Look , Mam .
21 ‘ It 's like walking in slow motion , is n't it ? ’ laughed Molly alongside him .
22 In spite of modern climbing gear and boots , present day mountaineering and fell walking in bad weather is still difficult and at times dangerous .
23 Walking in green pastures .
24 The lifeboat crew were presented with bravery awards for launching in violent seas when the ship went aground at Frinton in the 1960s .
25 Dieting may not be high on your enjoyment list , but we 've made pleasure a priority in Slim Plan — GH 's unique three-part diet programme which we 're launching in this issue ( page 82 ) .
26 One problem with normal car launching in light winds is that any poor steering on the part of the pilot results in the parachute dropping outside the normal dropping zone .
27 The Higher Labour Court decided that having extramarital affairs with married women was not a violation of the contract of employment that would justify a dismissal , as this would have the effect of punishing someone for interfering in marital relations , which the German Code of Civil Procedure would not permit .
28 In 1901 Haketa persuaded the government to revive legislation forbidding the use of Polish in Pomeranian bilingual schools , and as the task of teaching the language fell increasingly to the Catholic Church , and the clergy felt obliged to give extended ‘ Catechism ’ lessons , so Haketa set about interfering in private language tuition too .
29 He has no grounds for interfering in due process .
30 Otherwise there 's going to be chaos there if they do n't stop now and look within themselves instead of all of this interfering in other countries which they 've done in the past .
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