Example sentences of "[v-ing] it [conj] the " in BNC.

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31 He just reads their mail without them knowing it and the thing that would really appeal to him is that the companies he sets his sights on are actually paying him for delivering it ! ’
32 The commission is stopping it because the British Government will not make up its mind on whether it 's gon na back the money .
33 Whichever of these two ( not very clear ) alternatives we adopt ( see 12. 2 — 3 ) , the point remains that whatever memory does provide is not a separable check on our taking it that the new sensation resembles the old .
34 Q ‘ When sewing up a garment made in Hobby yarn , I find difficulty using it because the little slubs wo n't pull through the work easily .
35 It 's a word that has been percolating in dance music for the past couple of years , a reminder that there was life before raves , gripping club culture by the scruff of its Joe Bloggs shirt , and shaking it until the penny drops .
36 And so I just started playing it and the other guys started improvising around me .
37 She stood watching it while the first bat swept swiftly past her hair .
38 A lot of people in the business are watching it and the ratings have gone up although it is opposite Coronation Street .
39 He 's been positively coining it since the season started ’
40 They pointed out that local personnel in these fields had no experience in long term caring for such children , and they added that such a conference should be convened without delay , as leaving it until the children were returned home would be too late .
41 I , you know I , I just loathe the thought of leaving it and leaving it until the next thing is you 're going up for her funeral you know ?
42 WALL AFTER WALL of raging water rose up and thundered on to the strange craft intent on destroying it and the frail humans clinging to it for their lives .
43 Strachan knocked the ball past Clarke and was following it when the Chelsea defender deliberately brought him down .
44 The advantage of following it and the fact that costs will not always be awarded to the respondent in any event under Ord 62 , r6(9) is illustrated by Jacobs v Wessex RHA and Hall v Wandsworth HA above .
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