Example sentences of "[v-ing] to the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Their role is to give depth , colour and understanding to the issues at hand , and to provide a broad context ( or " environment " ) by which to guide the more specific calculation of quantitative forecasts described above .
2 Explanatory forecasting These techniques are used to assist , techniques augment and inform the quantitative forecasting process , giving depth , colour and understanding to the issues at hand .
3 Such a moral order was legitimate since it was consonant with the dictates of Providence or , in different intellectual terms , expressive of the natural order progressively opening to the minds of Enlightenment intellectuals through scientific investigation and freedom of thought .
4 Charles III 's reforms improved the quality of the imperial civil service while denying to the creoles a share in the system — perhaps because , as Floridablanca maintained , creoles were too enmeshed in local graft to be trusted .
5 With Buttons and the Mice cheering Cinders with Rock Around the Clock , the Ugly Sisters appearing to the strains of Walk Like a Man , the Prince as a look-alike of pop star Prince , a decorated Reebok glass slipper and a Thunderbird 4 coach , the script-writing team Foxanpelico Ltd. , had a few novel ideas to entertain young and old .
6 Another time he painted a scene of the angel appearing to the shepherds to tell them of the Nativity .
7 ‘ What about Jesus appearing to the apostles ? ’
8 Just before the clock struck five the next morning , Gabriel and Coggan were walking to the hayfields past their mistress 's house , when they saw a surprising sight .
9 Walking to the shops instead of taking the car or bus , or walking up the stairs instead of using the lift are comparatively painless ways of working towards greater things .
10 You can now start venturing away from your measured route and start looking for additional ways to clock up the extra miles — try walking to the shops instead of driving ; try parking the car further away from work and walking the rest of the way ; or getting off the bus or train one or two stops from your destination and walking the rest of the way .
11 Take up walking to the shops or school .
12 In future it is hoped that information will be posted at the nearest car parks , as well as at the crag , allowing for a change of plan before walking to the climbs !
13 He then ignored both of them , walking to the stairs that curved down into the room and taking the luggage up .
14 He got down to the serious matter of explaining to the gnomes that the intricate , almost scholarly , Fidchell that the Wolfkings had enjoyed , bore no resemblance to the horrid gruesome version that the Gruagach played .
15 The elderly person interviewed may take a delight in explaining to the children exactly how certain things were used or how they worked .
16 Mr Wolfe had just been doing his customary job of explaining to the passengers why we were late : ‘ We have an emergency situation which is not a real alarm situation . ’
17 Unless I get answers to my questions then you and the rest of the crew will find yourselves explaining to the police instead .
18 The first one was community and I know , erm that Catherine was n't very happy about the community side of things and I 've looked at the the pamphlet things and it needs updating a little bit so I took the fact that the Royal Quay 's were down at our doorstep and contacted Linda who was extremely helpful and she 's put together erm , a package of things along with me , I went down last week and the first week the ninth is going to be explaining to the classes what we 're going to be doing , each form teacher will be able to do that and the sixteen and the twenty third there are visits down to the Royal Quay 's Education Centre erm for which
19 Something happening to the horses ? ’
20 If your roof is not felted , it may be a little dustier in the roof space , but it will be better ventilated and you can see what is happening to the tiles and battens more easily .
21 There is a mass lobby of Parliament on December 1 , to try to bring home to those in power what is happening to the families who are forced to live in bed and breakfasts , and those who literally have nowhere to lay their heads .
22 What does she think 's ha happening to the hospitals ?
23 Neil could you tell me what 's happening to the apprentices in P S A as work staff been put out to grass I hope they are n't .
24 That would mean getting past the party , getting past whatever was happening to the guests .
25 Watch what is happening to the needles on both beds .
26 A spokesman for the Northern Polar Institute claimed that nuclear tests on the Arctic archipelago of Novaya Zemlya were also contributing to the seals ' deaths .
27 The research will address theoretical issues relating to the practice of joint consultation , and its role in the processes of job regulation , as well as contributing to the debates on management strategy and contingency theory .
28 He had already begun contributing to the Gardeners ' Chronicle .
29 The profession 's demands became intolerable however , and in 1901 he began contributing to the magazines of the day .
30 M. Dupont , so far as I could observe , was not contributing to the discussions , and it was hard to tell from his sullen demeanour if he was attending carefully to what was being said or else deeply engrossed in other thoughts .
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