Example sentences of "[v-ing] to [noun prp] and " in BNC.

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1 He had rather enjoyed it and it had helped him to keep his mind off what might be happening to Snodgrass and to Floy and Fenella .
2 Erm the following the the last meeting of the committee , erm the matter was er raised by your Chairman and er he asked me to send to all of you er a copy of an extract from the erm Commissions Report relating to Derbyshire and a copy of a Department of the Environment press release of the twenty second of October which refers to one or two things that er David Curry had said about strategic planning and that was sent out to all members of the committee on the twenty second of November and erm n not expecting you to have brought back with you or to have remembered exactly what it said , perhaps I can just erm refer to the , the options for erm strategic planning that were outlined by Mr Curry in that press release and i the er erm er paper that he had delivered .
3 For one thing , Rutherford has argued convincingly ( 1996a ) , on the basis of detailed historical and geographical evidence relating to England and Wales , Japan and the Netherlands , that there appears to be no consistent relationship between levels of recorded crime and rates of imprisonment in these countries , which suggests that the latter are largely determined by the decisions of courts in the different countries .
4 The songs can be conveniently classified into four main groups — those originating in pre-Turkish times ; the cycles relating to Kosovo and the adventures of Kraljević Marko ; the struggles of the hajduks and uskoks against the Ottoman occupation ; and the wars of independence of the Serbs and Montenegrins during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries .
5 Langbaurgh School has been working on a series of projects relating to India and the fruits of their labours will be on display at the Southlands Centre , Ormesby Road , Middlesbrough .
6 ‘ As a result , Mattel has agreed to drop all outstanding lawsuits relating to Sindy and Barbie around the world . ’
7 Problems relating to Châteauroux and other lands in dispute in Berry and Auvergne were referred to a panel of arbitrators ; Richard was to marry Alice ; finally both Louis and Henry agreed to go on crusade and , in the meantime , made a mutual non-aggression pact .
8 He merely reaffirmed Soviet readiness ‘ within its capabilities and together with other states , including the countries of ASEAN and Indo-China ’ to promote a settlement of the situation relating to Kampuchea and to guarantee ‘ generally acceptable accords ’ with other permanent members of the UN Security Council .
9 Parallel announcements relating to Wales and Scotland were made on July 23 and July 25 respectively .
10 recognizing that … the rights and responsibilities of the Four Powers relating to Berlin and Germany as a whole lose their function … have agreed as follows :
11 Article 7. ( 1 ) The French Republic , the USSR , the UK , and the USA hereby terminate their rights and responsibilities relating to Berlin and to Germany as a whole .
12 This auction will see the sale of the Longueville Collection of books relating to Australia and the Pacific divided into 200 lots .
13 The rest of the day is spent on a round trip of Lake Zell , before returning to Kaprun and the hotel .
14 Just long enough , in the event , to baptise William and Henry Joseph at St Andrew 's , Holborn ( in the September and October of 1854 respectively ) , before returning to Islington and altogether less salubrious surroundings .
15 The battalion could now look forward to returning to Werl and the preparations for firing camp , when the Warriors ' guns could be fired on the range .
16 So after a brief visit to Balmoral in the summer , Diana soon established a pattern of leaving Charles to it and returning to London and her friends .
17 Then he moved to Bordeaux for the winter , before returning to Orléans and Paris .
18 After returning to England and continuing his education at Bedales , the co-educational boarding school in Hampshire , Richard went to America to read drama at UCLA .
19 Clinton was a regular spectator as Bannister , at 7ft 4in Britain 's tallest professional sportsman , cut his teeth in Stateside college basketball before returning to England and signing for Manchester Giants — who else ?
20 The Wingfields are returning to England and have asked me to go with them .
21 There will then be a day 's walk in the local area before returning to Soll and your hotel .
22 Australian Mick Lee will not be returning to Farnham and James Barrow has moved on to division one club Cheam .
23 Since there was no question of us being able to invest in a cargo ourselves , let alone afford to charter the empty vessel , our only solution lay in returning to Makassar and attempting to persuade our Chinese friends to raise the merchandise themselves and to send us along as its stewards and guardians .
24 Then perhaps some work in Munich before returning to Vienna and the Staatsoper . ’
25 To make his tributes to earlier cities complete , before returning to Cambridge and Boston in 1932 he wrote to a correspondent in St Louis in 1930 , telling him how much his poetry owed to his childhood there .
26 The following is based on English Law , that is the laws applying to England and Wales .
27 The strict selection of monks applying to Saint-Vanne and the high standards of learning it demanded of them provide an early insight into Pérignon 's own capabilities .
28 They agreed to extend the aid programme ( already applying to Hungary and Poland ) to Bulgaria , Czechoslovakia , Yugoslavia and ( pending unification ) East Germany , on the grounds that all four had made sufficient progress towards democracy and a free market economy .
29 However , it may interest the hon. Gentleman to know that , as part of the patients charter initiative , we will take steps to consider accident and emergency and casualty cover to improve standards of provision applying to Tayside and to all other health boards .
30 and found myself listening to Gav and Janice .
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