Example sentences of "[v-ing] and [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Proteon 's announcement that it is splitting its business into two divisions ( one for adaptor boards and wiring centres ; the other for internetworking and intelligent hub systems ) is in line with what has been happening internally for some time , says Swan .
2 The Westborough , Massachusetts company is also splitting its business into two divisions , one for adaptor boards and wire centres , and the other for internetworking and intelligent hub systems .
3 The local and wide area networking company says that it intends to merge Adaptive with its Network Applications Division , which is to focus on the development and manufacturing of local area network , internetworking and broadband products .
4 As a general principle the bigger the machinery the more justified is the use of pressure jetting and special brushes .
5 For those who are interested in taking up more formal exercise , the best types are aerobic exercises such as swimming , walking and stationary cycling , which most people can perform , regardless of their fitness level .
6 Even scrambling might cause a problem , but using the jacket for walking and general leisure is OK .
7 Appearance and habits often lark-like , e.g. undulating flight , aerial song flights , walking and running gait , tendency to avoid perching in trees .
8 George says he will miss the many contacts he has made in BNFL and URENCO over the years but is looking forward to spending more time on his hobbies , particularly gardening , walking and amateur dramatics .
9 These included a green wax jacket , walking and rubber boots , tapes and a rug .
10 With sirens wailing and blue lights flashing the red fire engine sped through the city .
11 But at the time , as one American policy was ending and another beginning , Vietnam seemed to be exempt from similar considerations .
12 Well like any other of its kind , it 's a simple solution for program launching and hard disk management .
13 I have no doubt that by voting for the Bill and for the Conservatives ' record of achievement the arts will prosper far more than they would under the dogmatic , doctrinaire , interfering and bureaucratic solutions proposed by Labour .
14 For assembling and finishing wood : For assembling the fruits of your labours , some cramps will be invaluable .
15 This Code , issued under the provisions of The Engineering Council 's Royal Charter , is for the benefit of 290,000 registered engineers and technicians from 44 engineering institutions and aims to encourage greater awareness , understanding and effective management of risk issues .
16 Lou is a kind , understanding and reasonable man : friend as well as spouse .
17 These different ‘ levels ’ of knowledge in turn involve different states of mind in the knower : conjecture , belief , understanding and pure reason .
18 Please do not be concerned about measuring how much NI has done over the years ; it is not easy to quantify the awareness , understanding and other benefits your publication has brought to the children of the Third World .
19 In this respect I was indeed fortunate to have such sensitive , understanding and adroit colleagues as Tony Geluch , Jimmy Gilmore and Don Horne working with me on hundreds of productions over my nine years at CBR .
20 Skilbeck , in commenting upon the progress of the national frameworks , suggests that in addition to setting out areas of knowledge , understanding and human activity firmly and clearly , the various kinds of learning experiences and learning situations also need defining .
21 interdisciplinary skills , understanding and communicative abilities .
22 Immortalized wrongly but concretely by the call to burn bras , the women 's movement actually advised a policy of refusal of crippling stiletto heeled shoes , distorting and uncomfortable underpinnings and garments as mere titillation .
23 Distorting and painful killer when it spreads .
24 The defendants ( who had admitted negligence ) had increased the risk of particular damage occurring and that damage had occurred .
25 It may overlook the fact that science could become a very rebellious offspring ; and , as an apologetic strategy , it could easily backfire if science ( as some believe it has been ) were to be devalued in public estimation through association with polluting and exploitative technologies .
26 PCBs , although no longer produced , were for 50 years widely used in industry — for example as cooling and insulating fluids and in the manufacture of plastics , adhesives , and lubricants .
27 The stimuli vary with species but include cooling and decreasing daylength : wavelength and intensity of light are also implicated ( Kaurin , 1984 ) .
28 The presence of significant amounts of haemoglobin F has a protective effect against sickling and such individuals express relatively mild disease .
29 In Spain it was £15–25 for landing and parking , since the first band of charges covers aircraft up to five tonnes for landing and two tonnes for parking .
30 Does n't like being put on the spot and adopts conceptualising and abstract thinking to counter this .
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