Example sentences of "[v-ing] and look for " in BNC.

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1 I spend days walking and looking for compositions .
2 It strikes me that Glamorgan have left themselves with another internal problem they could have done without now they are rebuilding and looking for stability after those years of committee trauma and musical chairs among the skippers .
3 We could take this illustration too far — but I would like you to look upon yourselves as conductors , setting the tempo of the class , listening and looking for every discordant note — and for every good one — helping by encouragement — and asking questions , for instance " Are you working as hard as you could ? "
4 The er directive of December nineteen ninety three did have details that we were not expecting and looking for so there was a great deal of new work to take on board .
5 I do n't feel up to coming and looking for you and it 's quite worrying alone up here when one ca n't move around .
6 As for the muggers who injure first and rob later , there is only one thing you can do : keep your eyes open , be aware of people around you , know what they are doing and look for likely ambush spots .
7 He thinks of his show — 6am until 9am — like a relationship ‘ in that it 's constantly changing and looking for a balance .
8 A useful way of developing creative thinking and one which can be of great benefit when you are studying and looking for inspiration is the technique of key words or key terms .
9 There are some very distinctive and interesting roses to be found among the species which are well worth exploring and looking for , as you will see from the following examples .
10 We must keep trying and looking for successes , however small .
11 In order for us to maximise our returns to our shareholders we must continue to examine every facet of our business , question our way of working and look for greater efficiency .
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