Example sentences of "[v-ing] the [noun sg] 's " in BNC.

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1 Only inhabited for the past two hundred years , the unique flora and fauna of these delightfully unsophisticated island have been allowed to evolve undisturbed over the past 600 million years , yielding a unique heritage of birds and blooms encompassing the spectrum 's every colour .
2 Calculate the cooking time by using the bird 's stuffed weight .
3 Means of the control and post-acute pancreatitis groups were compared using the Student 's t test for unpaired data .
4 The significance of means were studied using the Student 's t test , and the Mann Whitney U-test for non-parametric values .
5 Statistical analysis of the data was done using the Student 's t test for paired data or the Wilcoxon rank sum test for paired data , as indicated .
6 There 's little to disturb the fun for these young people , the middle class children whose parents are enjoying the country 's new found wealth .
7 It should also reflect the practice of accepting the shipper 's original in lieu of a ‘ full set of originals . ’
8 The demand for the UN 's peace-keeping services has risen alarmingly , overstretching the organisation 's near bankrupt resources .
9 Officially director of campaigns and communication alias media guru , image-maker or spin doctor he is credited with transforming the Party 's fading image between the vital years of 1985–90 .
10 The new overtures , reflecting the country 's overriding economic troubles , point to a further lessening of their sway over Mr Gorbachev .
11 His first memorandum began by indicting the government 's supposedly annexationist motives for going to war and went on to inveigh against the economic and cultural backwardness which the conflict had brought to light .
12 You might as well seeing the weather 's as good as this oh yeah
13 Simply put , this replaces one of the springs in the rear cavity with an adjustable ‘ piston ’ which is set to return the tremolo more accurately to its standing position , hence keeping the instrument 's tuning more stable .
14 ‘ You heard those noises on the night you were robbing the jeweller 's , ’ continued Rohmer .
15 A teaching unit must be capable of expressing the teacher 's , possibly shifting , aims — just as a spade expresses the gardener 's .
16 In an appendix to his book , Atkinson surmises that the Horngarth may have originated in a hedge bounding the abbot 's right of way .
17 It had been saddled up ready for him and as Li Yuan stood there , it turned its head curiously , its large dark eyes meeting the prince 's as if it knew its new owner .
18 Sealants Adhesives and Coatings also had to have the paint , originally designed for use on military truck exteriors , adjusted to provide a satisfactory finish on the composite while still meeting the MoD 's demanding DEF-STAN 80–41 criterion .
19 gone to sleep if you were alright No never mind and you 're going the doctor 's we 'll make appointment tomorrow cos you wo n't and if I make one you 'll have to blooming go and do it .
20 Mr Lawson , as Chancellor , responded to the stock market crash in October 1987 by relaxing the Government 's tight monetary and fiscal policy .
21 But they helpfully handed out brochures describing the suite 's one kingsize bed and a Jacuzzi ‘ big enough for four people ’ .
22 These include diverse and powerful computing facilities , with excellent mainframe database and mapping software supplementing the department 's microcomputing provision .
23 The concentration on detail and the speaker 's reaction might prevent you from grasping the speaker 's meaning anyway .
24 Providing the claim 's legitimate , and they 're doing all their bits from their side of the fence , keeping the the er , plan in operation , we ca n't decide we 've had enough .
25 And providing the weather 's good , you like it ?
26 Police spent more than four hours combing the man 's home and land around it .
27 getting the manager 's
28 ERIC PAXTON , Kelso 's former international flanker , will be coaching the South 's U21 team this season .
29 Break his heart now by saying the school 's too expensive ?
30 ‘ Always saying the doctor 's out when he 's in ? ’
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