Example sentences of "[v-ing] these [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Weight up all the constituent elements of the choice — exploring your own strengths and weaknesses , values , interests and temperament and matching these against the range of opportunities available .
2 By totting up numbers for one group of estates , adding a notional 22 per cent for unrecorded children under twelve , and a further 25 per cent for other omissions , and then multiplying these for the whole of France , Lot calculated a population for Charles the Bald 's kingdom of 26 million .
3 A project Q S is responsible for agreeing all valuations and for processing all invoices for payment for physical work , and passing these to the client for payment .
4 to operate among the capacities and struggles which exist outside themselves : while they are crucially important in forming these into a programme they can not create practical policies themselves for these arise from people 's practical negotiation of their immediate environment .
5 Making a town plan can be done with young children by suggesting the children draw pictures of different parts of the town and sticking these onto a large piece of paper .
6 At the teacher 's suggestion I then found myself colouring some swing tickets at happened to be in my knitting bag and attaching these to a very poor piece of knitting .
7 It 's to do with having a balanced overview of your strengths and weaknesses and not using these to the detriment of others or so that others are able to exploit you .
8 The independent schools inspectorate , HMI , in a report published yesterday on the ‘ rather tentative start ’ of AS levels , said a quarter of schools were using these for the wrong reasons , often as a safeguard for weaker Alevel candidates .
9 One other committee brought into existence as part of the project structure is the Inservice Panel , which is charged with the responsibility of developing staff-development and inservice activities and of articulating these with the county 's existing inservice training ( INSET ) programme .
10 Just because it is convenient to single out some policies for special attention , and just because there are courses on social policy that require the study of a specific and limited range of public policies , we should not therefore fall into the trap of seeing these as the main government contributions to welfare , or the ‘ general good ’ .
11 At this stage cut off the complete head and invert it in a paper bag , hanging these in an airy place for a few days until the seeds are quite dry .
12 publish changes as they are accepted in a periodical publication , cumulating these in a new edition of all or parts of the schedules , as suitable .
13 To this end an Inservice Panel was created with the task of planning and organising appropriate activities and synchronising these with the county 's existing inservice programme .
14 Adding these to the other elements of the claim and demands for extra London weighting , Mr Clarke had said in the Commons that ambulance workers were looking for ‘ rather a lot more money ’ .
15 Stepwise regression was therefore repeated adding these to the set of possible explanatory factors , as shown in table VI .
16 This does not follow , however , from Simmel 's approach ; for him , the Walbiri 's intimate relation to the objective forms taken by their social products , and their classifications of the landscape , might well have appeared more ‘ cultured ’ than the attitudes of his German contemporaries , who , in spite of having at their disposal the enormous possibilities of mass culture , did not possess the means for assimilating these into the development of person or group .
17 Unfortunately releasing these into the wort requires mutually incompatable conditions .
18 So I 'm selling these in a minute Shel .
19 When sending these to the console , Papua-A would go into stitch pattern A section and Papua-B into the stitch pattern B section .
20 An article by McClellan , ‘ A systems approach to libraries ’ provides a useful model , suggesting that ‘ library objectives ’ take effect in ‘ book provision policies and book provision organisation ’ , and distinguishing these from the secondary ‘ organisation systems ’ that are necessary for the achievement of primary objectives .
21 By removing these from the representation of all motions we are left with Γ vib , the list of the numbers of vibrations of each symmetry species for the molecule .
22 A second aim is to examine some of the well-established gender differences in health status and health service use by locating these within the context of domestic responsibility .
23 The first thing to notice is that we have a choice of saying these with the pitch remaining at a constant level , or with the pitch changing from one level to another .
24 This intensive programming involves careful observation of the baby 's cues on urination and defecation and linking these to the presence of a potty .
25 The LEA must pay costs from excepted funds unless there is a justifiable reason for taking these from the school 's own monies .
26 Well taking these in the order you suggest , the short-term .
27 He had no problems in stocking these from the Far East , India or the Cape with help from Dutch merchant-ship captains , but he wanted to obtain those North American novelties which he knew to be flourishing at Chelsea , so in July 1736 Linnaeus came to England with a letter of introduction from Boerhaave to Sir Hans Sloane .
28 Substituting these in the theorems ( 4.16 ) above gives , after separating out the requisite components of L , M , the inequalities ( 4.12 ) and ( 4.13 ) .
29 Genuflecting , the Reclusiarch carved generous parings of amber from one toe , then another , dropping these into the chalice .
30 By comparing these with the needs of your fleet , you can select the type of card that will help your vehicles to operate a peak efficiency — and help you to keep your flock in line !
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