Example sentences of "[v-ing] only to [art] " in BNC.

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1 It might be that your ambitions are seriously flawed and you are preaching only to the converted .
2 It was happening only to a minority .
3 In this latter regard , a distinction must be drawn between , on the one hand , Bills of general application — Public Bills , and Bills applying only to a particular area or person — Private Bills .
4 Sacheverell 's defence counsel in 1710 did not deny that their client had defended non-resistance , but tried to define non-resistance as applying only to the Crown-in-Parliament , rather than the monarchy itself .
5 Should the judges take it into their heads to question this ‘ authority ’ ( as occasionally they have ) then much of it is not too difficult to discount , as being obiter dicta , or as relating only to a rather narrow , specific point , ( e.g. the effect of a fraud on the Private Bills Committee of the House of Commons ) and leaving untouched the broader general question .
6 Pavlov , as Finance Minister , had unveiled at the end of November 1990 a new style " union budget " relating only to the centre 's spending and revenue , and leaving the republics free to set their own budgets after meeting contributions to the centre .
7 He once knew the trees as living beings , idiosyncratic creatures bowing only to the wind , absolutely sovereign over their individual territories , determining the dapple of light and shade , the texture of the loam rubbed between the fingers , and even the breed , rank and colour of the underlying foliage creeping stealthily beneath their high , swaying boughs .
8 The seminary itself is difficult to see , the approach from the road leading only to an imposing wall with faceless windows and a usually , barred door It was built by San Carlo Borromeo in 1564 and is square , the four walls enclosing a courtyard that measures 56 metres on one side and is surrounded by a double tier gallery , each floor of which is supported by double Doric columns .
9 I left the hotel , feeling rather like the Lady of Shalott , breaking the spell , leaving her room , her castle , going only to the river 's edge , there to drown herself , and made my way to the Navimore School for Girls .
10 The effect of the maxim is to add to most utterances a pragmatic inference to the effect that the statement presented is the strongest , or most informative , that can be made in the situation ; in many cases the implicatures can be glossed by adding only to the propositional content of the sentence , e.g. " Nigel has only fourteen children " , " the flag is only white " , " Harry only got a fine " .
11 Whether it is more difficult than selling only to the domestic market is a debatable point , but success depends to a large extent on the attitude and approach of the firm and the personal qualities of the salespeople — not every salesperson is suited to such a task from the point of view of understanding and empathy with the foreign market concerned .
12 Experience that she had once accepted as belonging only to the dream-world of the cinema screen , really existed , was to be grasped at the cost of a little determination .
13 As a special language-game , pointing only to the pre-linguistic prototype of human action , this would be acceptable .
14 The baby can certainly suffer complications if deprived of mother 's milk and it might well be claimed that talk of its missing its mother is a special language-game pointing only to the source of the deprivation , but Singer is certainly not using the phrase with this in mind .
15 So , logical and impressive as the associate flower learning of honey bees seems , these hard-working insects appear simply to be well-programmed learning machines , attending only to the cues deemed salient by evolution ( and then only in well-defined contexts and often during precise critical periods ) — and then filing the information thus obtained in pre-existing arrays .
16 Johnson flits over it all in a sentence , and in his letters to Mrs Thrale he came forth only a little more , alluding only to the success of the visit , and to the debate as to whether the savage or the shopkeeper had the best life .
17 I know that my hon. Friend will understand if I say that I had some difficulty in persuading everybody to come round a table when I was talking only to the parties in Northern Ireland .
18 Whereas the West German government maintained that East Germans should have automatic access to the Schengen agreement area , its four partners regarded the territory covered by the agreement as extending only to the eastern boundary of the Federal Republic .
19 The gods had drawn them together , and together for 10 years or so they would make music , exploring the world and themselves , unharried by outside pressures , responding only to the more meaningful pressures of life and love .
20 Throughout her life she had so successfully controlled her emotions that she was now capable of responding only to the demands of music .
21 Because these men who knew with such unquestionable certainty the difference between right and wrong , and who blithely described the garotters as creatures capable of responding only to the fear of physical pain , were people who knew a great deal about physical pain .
22 It was referring only to the single cross-spar stunter where two bridle points are used fore and aft on the spine .
23 However , this classification is illuminating only to the extent that apposition is well understood , and it is not clear that it is , or even can be .
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