Example sentences of "[v-ing] them for the " in BNC.

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1 Try looking at people , objects and places as if you are seeing them for the first time without being influenced by what you have known about them in the past .
2 For me one of the greatest gifts is the ability to look at things as if you are seeing them for the first time .
3 The man looked at the boys as if seeing them for the first time .
4 Since then , I had managed to film them on their wintering grounds in India , but now I was seeing them for the first time at the other end of the journey .
5 Julius looked at her jeans and T-shirt , as if seeing them for the first time .
6 Eddie 's gaze ran on round the room , taking in , as if seeing them for the first time , the stool and easel , the framed reproduction Leonardo drawings on the walls , the low divan bed .
7 By a combination of Impressionist vision , imagination , a magical mastery of language , Proust uses À la recherche to explore often banal objects , often apparently dull people , often apparently trivial episodes , in such a way that he recreates them with a freshness , erm a power of conviction , that persuade us we 're actually seeing them with a privileged insight , or perhaps even seeing them for the first time .
8 The debate will centre on alternative clauses : one outlawing all experiments on embryos from the moment of conception , the other ( the Warnock majority 's view ) allowing them for the first 14 days .
9 Even so I did not expect my feet to be trouble-free after using them for the first time on a full day 's hiking in the Purbeck Hills .
10 The seller has no difficulty in producing them for the buyer in any quantity provided he has sufficient notice to schedule production , and purchase needed materials and components .
11 The keeping of livestock includes keeping them for the production of food , skins or other agricultural purposes .
12 One of the brigade 's proudest possessions is a letter from King George V , thanking them for the part they played in saving the Royal Train during the disastrous fire in the Works in 1933 , when £30,000 worth of damage was caused .
13 It 's understandable that they can admire academics , but that 's not quite the same as loving them for the person they are . ’
14 They 're saving them for the Open . ’
15 He reported after the Sixth Comintern Congress that ’ As a rule , when we tell our Latin American comrades , on meeting them for the first time , that the situation of their country is that of a semi-colony and consequently we must consider the problems concerning it from the viewpoint of our colonial or semi-colonial tactics , they are indignant at this notion and assert that their country is independent , that it is represented in the League of Nations , has its own diplomats , consulates , etc . ’
16 Thus , in the context of consensual sexual activity with a girl under the age of 16 , it states : ‘ Most of us think that acts such as oral sex are extremely serious ( perhaps more likely to disturb a young girl meeting them for the first time than sexual intercourse ) . ’
17 cummings and Edwin Morgan are , however , splendidly useful , and if practitioners keep coming across the same texts , it has to be remembered that students may very well be meeting them for the first time .
18 We 're ignoring them for the moment . ’
19 I 'm growing them for the wedding , they 'll have to get cut because I break them .
20 She could not make up her mind whether to risk wearing them for the competition .
21 It 's normally a place for quiet reflection in the midst of the commercial centre of Edinburgh , but this morning it 's full of books – boxes and boxes of them wherever you look – and people sorting them for the annual Christian Aid Book Sale .
22 The Wantage white horses swim club are off to the Palace tomorrow … that 's the Crystal one … world number one Mark Foster is coaching them for the day …
23 I was doing them for the wrong reasons — out of curiosity or for the money , rather than because I had a passion for doing them .
24 She picked up the phone and reached reception , asking them for the phone number of the Dublin National Gallery .
25 But I 've not been taking them for the last week .
26 There may in fact be some differences in these time intervals and in other pathogenetic factors between Kock pouches and pelvic pouches , but in view of the general clinical similarities between the RP syndromes in these two forms of pouch ( Table V ) , we have felt justified in combining them for the purposes of our analysis .
27 At present , Akeakamai can understand sentences of up to five words , and can understand commands even when hearing them for the first time .
28 making them for the next morning .
29 Maurice Ododo is the catechist at Aluor mission and every day was busy going near and far training and teaching the Christians , preparing them for the Sacraments and instructing catechumens .
30 Since time immemorial ‘ Staggy ’ had been drip-feeding ambitious junior researchers with toxin , preparing them for the stronger poisons which lay ahead .
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