Example sentences of "[v-ing] all [noun sg] in " in BNC.

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1 There are , however , difficulties in explaining all behaviour in this way .
2 We may arrive in sight of the same conclusion , near enough to see the possibility of rooting all valuation in a single principle of awareness , by an approach from the opposite direction .
3 It gets mighty hot in £2,000 of scarlet , gold and bearskin , parading all morning in the sunshine . )
4 After leaving hospital he was tired , anxious and depressed , apparently losing all interest in life .
5 said that people are losing all interest in the election and they 've got no faith in any of parties they all seemed to much alike and all fund ranges
6 And with markets losing all confidence in beleaguered Chancellor Norman Lamont , Increasing numbers of money men backed calls for Mr Lamont to quit last night .
7 In keeping with the book 's leitmotif , however , let's ignore all that and focus instead on the rich images of Lamb in shock at the lunch interval after weathering 22 bouncers among the preceding 24 balls ; of Dexter losing interest after fielding all day in 90 degrees at Karachi ; of the normally taciturn Peter May sounding off about the regime which followed him as chairman of selectors ; of the ‘ terror of spin ’ and the West Indian ‘ throat-theory ’ reign of terror , attributed in part to the meatiness of their backsides .
8 By their very nature the program source code is provided , usually with documentation disclaiming all responsibility in its use .
9 He had been sitting all evening in exactly the spot from which the gun had been fired .
10 Nor can the horse hear so much when stabled , although some people try and overcome this deficiency by leaving a radio playing all day in the stable for the horse 's benefit .
11 The rescue party digging all night in the dunes
12 Carl from upstairs got arrested too , and he said that Ibrahim was screaming all night in the room next to him in the prison , and when they opened the door in the morning , he 'd scratched all the skin off of his face .
13 Detectives say they 've no proof that a serial killer is responsible for the four women 's deaths , but they are pooling all information in the hope that a common link may be found
14 David Potter , managing director of Psion Software , says : ‘ If piracy and copying escalate and become endemic , hardware managers will have to take drastic measures , such as setting all software in ROM [ read-only memory ] cartridges . ’
15 I used to work four nights and er working all day in the shop , working all night in there .
16 He had quickly re-established his old routine of working all day in the attic and going out occasionally at night to meet anonymous friends .
17 I used to work four nights and er working all day in the shop , working all night in there .
18 James Cossins recalled ‘ the fun of the supper parties after filming all day in the baking heat of the sand dunes around Almeria , and the joy that ensued when , after a suitable amount of alcohol , dear Roy Kinnear could be persuaded to do his celebrated impression of a one-armed golfer ’ .
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