Example sentences of "[v-ing] but [pron] is " in BNC.

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1 The expansion of forestry by means of a policy of attrition and isolation of farms is occurring but it is not necessarily a process which in the long term will lead to a reasonable balance of land use .
2 People always think we ignore them when they 're waiting but it is n't really like that .
3 The idea of devoting one 's career to helping the other fellow on his way , rejoicing , may be ennobling but it is sometimes more evident in theory than in practice .
4 I mean the one fear surely is that this is n't something which is happening on a , I was going to say a small local area , that 's perhaps exaggerating but it is in a at the moment in a confined locality , we know where it is , it 's not actually here and
5 Perhaps this debate wo n't be as lively and er as controversial as the one that er we arranged to have on the question of insider dealing but it is an important matter because auditing as I said , is not just as assistance to companies but it is a reassurance to the general public and the public at the moment are in need of grave reassurance that the insur that the er the financial services industry as well as industry generally , is being properly looked after and for these reasons er although we support er the orders before er the house tonight , we have no hesitation at all in ensuring that they are debated properly than not something that should simply go through on the nod .
6 So there are answers that no it 's not that different in some ways from other fore er from other policy making but there is another side of foreign policy in which you say yes , there are clear differences .
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