Example sentences of "[v-ing] our [noun pl] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 Head of year nine John Hunter added : ‘ The results will provide important information about the state of the footpath network in Essex as well as enabling our students to make suggestions on how the network can be protected and enhanced . ’
2 It was a great success , judging by the comments I heard afterwards , not only for enabling our volunteers to play an influential role in the local plans process , but for generating a sympathetic under- standing of the difficult balancing act expected of planners !
3 Whatever the motivation , church planting can be recognised as a powerful means for enabling our churches to grow .
4 Stagnant pools of filth made us cover our mouths and noses whilst we kept bobbing our heads to avoid the painted signs which hung outside every house .
5 thought that it was about privatisation or opting out of the health service , because the Labour party was putting about pamphlets saying such things as ’ Now the Government is forcing our hospitals to opt out of the NHS . ’
6 This was sheer luxury after years of stumbling out into the dark at all hours , forcing our eyes to stay open , and yawning fit to split our faces in two .
7 ‘ We do not support the pursuit of this issue in public argument and we will be committing our efforts to campaign for the recall of the Scottish parliament , to stop water privatisation and to achieve independence in Europe . ’
8 3 , We do not support the pursuit of this issue in public argument and we will be committing our efforts to campaign for the recall of the Scottish parliament , to stop water privatisation and to achieve independence in Europe .
9 The climax of our dealing activities , finally acknowledging our efforts to bring to the fore German art and culture in this country , was the acquisition of our unusual vista of the ‘ Friedrichsgracht in Berlin ’ by Eduard von Gärtner , only the second painting after Caspar David Friedrich 's ‘ Winter Landscape with Church ’ by a German nineteenth-century artist to grace the walls of the National Gallery .
10 We are going to be asking our members to pay a further ten pence a week to maintain front-line services , but they feel they are not getting any .
11 We 're asking our troops to do more and more with less and less .
12 For this reason we are asking our readers to tell us about their experiences in the jobs race .
13 If our peace-loving citizens really care about the future of our world organisation , they must help to create the momentum for reform by mandating our politicians to adopt , at least as a beginning , the urgently-needed measures recommended by the Secretary General .
14 Those of us who live in south-east London not three miles from King 's Cross know that if we were taking our children to meet a continental train , or if we were taking elderly parents or grandparents to meet the train , we would not take them to King 's Cross , because we could not park there or get them near the platforms .
15 But we might reasonably wonder what point there is in racking our brains to find an acceptable definition of ‘ a knows that p ’ .
16 ‘ We are exploiting our forests to sustain our development efforts without destroying them . ’
17 Somehow we float into Charing Cross Road and stand on the pavement swaying like penguins , waving our flippers to attract a taxi .
18 In Stuart 's view , one way of perhaps increasing value for money is encouraging our customers to pay for certain areas of research .
19 The Smoking units hopes to discourage pupils from taking up the habit , with the obvious obverse of encouraging our smokers to consider seriously giving it up .
20 Are we making any headway in encouraging our partners to share domestic responsibilities ?
21 Within two weeks we were encouraging our readers to lobby their MPs concerning the restrictive Night Assemblies Bill , Robert Tripp was regaling us with tales of groupies and interviews had taken on a new air of contention , seriousness and madness .
22 Games such as crosswords , mazes , find the hidden word , etc. , can help prevent us from getting bored and allowing our thoughts to wander .
23 This is necessary to make sure we are functioning in a realistic way , that we are not kidding ourselves that we have abilities that we do not , but more importantly , to ensure we are not allowing our inabilities to nullify our abilities .
24 Whilst in the Paralympic Village we read the quote from Mr Dick Palmer , of the British Olympic Association , ‘ justifying ’ their not allowing our athletes to wear ‘ their ’ logo .
25 The megalithic monuments can therefore be regarded in part as religious structures , in part as astronomical observatories , and in part as clocks , allowing our ancestors to record precisely the various cyclical changes of the celestial bodies .
26 With perfect buoyancy we lay in the current , drifting at no mean speed through the long fronds of kelp , angling our bodies to follow the curves of the bottom .
27 Once this happens , it is no longer God who is over us , judging us by his Word , but we who are over God , using our god-concepts to justify what we are doing and to make judgements on what he should be doing .
28 Mildew is too prevalent and persistent to be wiped out completely , but those three factors are the key to helping our roses to resist it .
29 That a man so well known in educational circles should be so ill-informed demonstrates the problems we had in helping our readers to understand our proposals .
30 ‘ To scare the shit out of the creeps opposing our offers to modernize their industries . ’
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