Example sentences of "[v-ing] what they are " in BNC.

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1 They are not really enjoying what they are eating ; they are not even noticing what they are eating ; they are certainly not satisfying feelings of hunger .
2 You ca n't but peek at them just to be titillated , not really believing what they are saying , since they are concocted by charlatans .
3 There are many references to our caves but the writers do not seem to have gone beyond the entrances and we are left wondering what they are like inside and most importantly whether they were ever lived in , and if so , by whom .
4 The most effective method is that of asking all members of a sample of households to keep diaries , noting what they are doing at all times of the day .
5 Many people have developed their own ways of preparing them selves , such as rehearsing what they are going to do in their mind .
6 Newspapers would be reduced merely to printing what they are told — which means what the politicians want you to hear .
7 Interpreters must therefore beware , a little , in doing what they are generally allowed to do .
8 It also shows those who have not made up their minds why Russia 's reformers are doing what they are trying to do .
9 But here again the knowledge is so practical , so much preconditioned by behaviour , that it can be taught and is taught mainly by doing what they are told to do on particular occasions and by not being allowed to do or to touch certain things that are always within their experience .
10 They do n't want them arrested for doing what they are trained for , so they do n't arrest agents of Argentina .
11 There were a number of names familiar to the trade in the lists , though not always for doing what they are most familiar for .
12 Straightforward in principle , although highly complex in technical detail , the majority of today 's desk-top fax machines rarely seek to sell themselves with seductive design ( the usual Japanese route to consumer appeal ) ; they just sit there , looking like little photocopiers or big telephones , doing what they are supposed to do .
13 They have to guide the new voters in the exercise of the franchise ; to guide them quietly , and without saying what they are doing , but still to guide them .
14 they came as the same they came in the same colour mu thing round them we in the red letters saying what they are .
15 Seeing a video hire shop on a Saturday night crammed with people choosing what they are going to watch that evening is a sad sight .
16 In the heat of debate , when one side may accuse the other of not knowing what they are talking about , both sides will still assume they are talking about the same thing .
17 Knowing that huge things are going to happen , but not knowing what they are
18 In a bang-up-to-date textbook ( see Bicknell 1988 ) , she lectures future generations of health and social service professionals on imparting what they are to perceive as ‘ sad , bad news ’ to parents .
19 Their attention is on learning what they are told they have to learn , on being able to do the questions .
20 The proposals were due to be considered by Cabinet ten days later and ministers do not like seeing what they are to discuss plastered all over the press beforehand .
21 They are not really enjoying what they are eating ; they are not even noticing what they are eating ; they are certainly not satisfying feelings of hunger .
22 Another way to intervene is silently , simply listening to what they are saying , and watching what they are writing .
23 on their backs telling what they are :
24 Indeed , ‘ disorganized capitalism ’ seems an unhappy term for conveying what they are dealing with .
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